Logbook report for CUCC expo 2012

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DateLogged trips and diary entriesCaveText..AuthorWho else
Sun 29 Jul 2012 Holy Bondage    On this date, with the exch…  Julia Bradshaw Martin Green, Emma Wilson, Anthony Day, Jess Stirrups,
Wed 01 Aug 2012 Rigging 204    Rigged the entrance pitch to…  Anthony
Wed 01 Aug 2012 Döppelgemzehöle - 2…    We initially proceeded to exp…  Stu W Frank, Jess,
Wed 01 Aug 2012 "Bullets second höle" 20…    Following a prospecting repor…  Stu W Frank,
Wed 01 Aug 2012 "Bullets second höle" 20…    After promising results last …  Stu W Frank, Martin,
Wed 01 Aug 2012 Prospecting (2012-SW0x)    A day's prospecting and taggi…  Stu W
Thu 02 Aug 2012 Rigging King Carbide    Grand plans for rigging all t…  Duncan Emma, Frank, Dour, Jess,
Fri 03 Aug 2012 Rigged Tunnockschacht entranc…    [No text]  Martin Frank,
Fri 03 Aug 2012 Rigging King Carbide      Duncan Emma, Olly Madge, Dour, Jess,
Fri 03 Aug 2012 101    Decided to have a quick look…  Jenny Olly Betts,
Sat 04 Aug 2012 204 - Fat Cat  1623-204
Martin rigged Fat Cat and exp…  Martin Dour, Jess, Frank,
Sat 04 Aug 2012 204 - Fat Cat pootle  1623-204
Popped down the hole to top …  Frank
Sat 04 Aug 2012 204 - Fat Cat wet  1623-204
Went down to fat cat to attem…  Emma Holly,
Sat 04 Aug 2012 82 and 85    I was still feeling full of …  Jenny OllyB,
Sun 05 Aug 2012 204 - Fat Cat  1623-204
Back to fat cat to set the la…  Emma Holly,
Sun 05 Aug 2012     7th of August 2012 on which d…  Julia
Sun 05 Aug 2012 157    Olly rigged and bolted down …  Jenny OllyB,
Mon 06 Aug 2012 Scrotting around at bottom of…    T/U: 9.5 hrs Holly was so ki…  Olaf Wookey, Rob, Holly,
Mon 06 Aug 2012 Climbs off Cat Flap    This trip is recorded earlier…  Wook Olaf, Holly, Rob,
Tue 07 Aug 2012 Journey - Wook comes out in t…    Wook & Serena filled the…  Wookey Serena,
Tue 07 Aug 2012 Pushing near Fat Cat    A 06.30 start from Base Camp …  Anthony Wookey,
Tue 07 Aug 2012 Pushing Fat Cat -> Pussy R…    Went to investigate a scrotho…  Jess Emma,
Tue 07 Aug 2012 204A    After Cat and Therese managed…  Martin Therese, Cat,
Tue 07 Aug 2012 Tunnocks - Looking for the Pe…  1623-258
After the rather damp trip th…  Olaf Rob, Hannah, Ian,
Tue 07 Aug 2012 2012-70 Doppel Gemse Höh…    This cave is right by the pa…  Jenny OllyB,
Wed 08 Aug 2012 Rerigging Fat Cat    T/U: 10½ Being a bit …  Olaf Becka, Rob, Andrew,
Wed 08 Aug 2012 Looking on the surface betwee…    Decided to see if we could d…  OllyB Jenny,
Wed 08 Aug 2012 Tunnockschäfte - climb o…    Proceeded down Tunnocks to Ma…  Stu W Frank, Serena,
Thu 09 Aug 2012 258    T/U: 6 hrs We faffed an unsp…  Serena Frank,
Thu 09 Aug 2012 204 - Cirque de SoleilCO…  1623-204
T/U: 10½ Original pla…  Becka Andrew, Rob, Olly Madge,
Thu 09 Aug 2012 83 - original route  1623-83
Went into 83, put some new …  Jenny OllyB,
Fri 10 Aug 2012 204 - Dog Days  1623-204
T/U: 12 hours Returned to th…  Becka Andrew,
Fri 10 Aug 2012 258 - March of the Penguins  1623-258
Trip length: 9 hrs Having go…  HOLLY JESS, EMMA,
Fri 10 Aug 2012 83 - Duncing in the dark  1623-83
Went back to 83 planning to…  Jenny OllyB,
Fri 10 Aug 2012 204/161 Connection traverse r…    T/U: 17hrs Went down to the …  Wookey Rob,
Fri 10 Aug 2012 Looking for BS17 (Organhö…    T/U: negligible Went for a s…  Anthony Duncan,
Sat 11 Aug 2012 258 - MotP, Hooray for Boobie…  1623-258
Trip length: 10.5 hrs Back t…  HOLLY BECKA, EMMA,
Sat 11 Aug 2012 Prospecting and walking to Ap…    We had a trip booked in the A…  Olaf Wookey,
Sat 11 Aug 2012 83 - Thunder Road, Under a Ro…  1623-83
Went back to 83 for our fina…  Jenny OllyB,
Sun 12 Aug 2012 204 into 161 via traverses -&…    T/U: 14 hours Early morning …  Becka Andrew, Rob,
Sun 12 Aug 2012 Hochdruckblasi (Woising)    [Accompanied by non-expo Uwe …  Olaf Wookey,
Sun 12 Aug 2012 83 - Under a Rock, Down Under  1623-83
Went back into Under a Rock …  Jenny OllyB,
Mon 13 Aug 2012 139 Rock'n'Roll Höhle    T/U: 5hrs Over the pitch at …  Andrew Duncan,
Tue 14 Aug 2012 Walk from Lower Bergrestauran…    This was Olaf's idea so I'd g…  Becka Julian,
Wed 15 Aug 2012 Schönbergsystem - Glitze…    We assembled outside the Isch…  Becka Wookey, Julian, Olaf,
Wed 15 Aug 2012 204a    T/U: 12hrs? Cave pre-rigged.…  Stu W Mike TA, Andrew,
Wed 15 Aug 2012 Pushing leads in the north of…    T/U: 10hrs I tagged onto Hol…  Anthony Holly, Rob,
Wed 15 Aug 2012 83 - derig and survey  1623-83
Went back to 83 for the actua…  Jenny OllyB,
Wed 15 Aug 2012 148 rig    Went to 148 and rigged in th…  Jenny OllyB,
Wed 15 Aug 2012 Inner Flap - Tunnocks    Antony has already written a …  Holly Anthony, Rob,
Thu 16 Aug 2012 204 -> 161 -> pitch lev…    T/U: 13hrs Headed down 204 a…  Anthony Rob,
Thu 16 Aug 2012 258 - Pitch at 39 steps  1623-258
After realising that there wa…  Holly Andrew,
Fri 17 Aug 2012 Hirlatzhoehle Excursion    T/U: 6½hrs A team of …  Julian Olaf, Becka,
Fri 17 Aug 2012 148 rigging    Went to 148 with 100+m of ro…  Jenny OllyB,
Fri 17 Aug 2012 258 - Pitch at 39 steps  1623-258
It was Rob's last caving trip…  Holly Rob, Noel,
Sat 18 Aug 2012 Strubklamm    The efficient 9 am early star…  Julian Stuart W, Olly M, Wook, Dave Loeffler, Martin G, Frank, Serena, Tess, Sarah,
Sat 18 Aug 2012 2012-70 Doppel Gemsehöhle    Olly's Dad was arriving today…  Jenny OllyB,
Sun 19 Aug 2012 204a - Runnel Stone    After having taken a day off …  Julian Becka, Holly, Noel,
Mon 20 Aug 2012 Surface prospecting above Mar…    It was too hot to make my esc…  Julian Noel,
Mon 20 Aug 2012 204 -> 161, leads near Run…    T/U: 12hrs It was my turn to…  Anthony Becka,
Mon 20 Aug 2012 148 Deep Space pushing trip    Finally, after a five year w…  Jenny OllyB,
Tue 21 Aug 2012 234 - Hauchhöle - Slappe…  1623-234
Uneventful descent down to we…  Stu W Serena, Stuart B,
Tue 21 Aug 2012 204 - 161, Runnel Stone area …  1623-204
T/U: 12½hrs Since the…  Anthony Becka, Holly,
Tue 21 Aug 2012 107 entrance    Got up late after yesterdays…  Jenny OllyB,
Wed 22 Aug 2012 258 - Suicidal Vampire  1623-258
As all three of us needed to …  Noel Becka, Holly,
Wed 22 Aug 2012 Eishöhle Tourist Trip    [Accompanied by non-expo Ter…  Jenny OllyB, Stuart B,
Thu 23 Aug 2012 2012-70 (Doppel Gemse)    Went back to 2012-70 to do so…  Jenny OllyB,
Fri 24 Aug 2012 234 - Hauchhöle - 'Mercu…  1623-234
Uneventful and relatively qui…  Stu W Serena, Stuart B,
Sat 25 Aug 2012 Tunnocks derig    T/U: 4½hrs Derigged T…  Anthony StuartW,
Sat 25 Aug 2012 107 - south of entrance  1623-107
Too wet to go to derig 148, s…  Jenny OllyB,
Sun 26 Aug 2012 107 - north of entrance  1623-107
Still too wet to derig 148, s…  Jenny OllyB,
Mon 27 Aug 2012 204 - Survey Pretzl Passage b…  1623-204
T/U: 11hrs Julian + I rolled…  Becka Anthony,
Mon 27 Aug 2012 107 - Ropeless  1623-107
Still too wet to derig 148 so…  Jenny OllyB,
Tue 28 Aug 2012 204 - Final derig  1623-204
T/U: 2½hrs Julian + I…  Becka Anthony, Julian,
Tue 28 Aug 2012 148 derig    Finally the weather was dry e…  Jenny OllyB,
Wed 29 Aug 2012 1623-157 - Very quick down 157  1623-157
Very quick down 157 to see if…  Jenny OllyB,

See also the