Wallets for 2012

Each wallet contains the scanned original in-cave survey notes and sketches of plans and elevations. It also contains scans of centre-line survex output on which hand-drawn passage sections are drawn. These hand-drawn passages will eventually be traced to produce Tunnel or Therion drawings and eventually the final complete cave survey.

Link to logbooks and calendar for 2012.

When you only have a survexfile

To create a wallet, if you have only a survex file but no notes to scan, you should upload the survexfile first. But before you can do that you will need to login (use the menu item at top-right of page).

Upload the survexfile using e.g. /survexfile/caves-1623/290/mynewsurvex.svx (for a survex file for cave 1623-290). You will cut and paste the survex file data into the window on the form.

While still logged-in, go to this page Create Wallet which will take you to the next unused wallet number page, and click the 'Create' button. This will not actually complete the creation of the wallet until you have also set the date for the wallet in the wallet edit form (which will appear when you press 'Create').

While editing the wallet you should enter in the form the url of the survexfile which you have just created at e.g. /survexfile/caves-1623/290/mynewsurvex.svx (see above).

See also wallets

WalletWallet DateCave(s)Wallet NameSurvex survey length S C Q N P E T W
2012#00 Aug. 5, 2012 1623-2012-ns-02 1623-2012-ns-05 1623-2012-ns-06 1623-2012-ns-07 1623-2012-ns-08 1623-2012-ns-12 1623-2012-ns-14 1623-2012-ns-15 1623-288 [] 0m 5m 10m 20m 4m 8m 15m 10m 20m                
2012#01 Aug. 5, 2012 1623-204 fatcat2, catflea 39m 23m                
2012#02 Aug. 5, 2012 1623-157 Pink Up 44m 0m 28m 0m                
2012#03 Aug. 6, 2012 1623-204 fatcat3 40m                
2012#04 Aug. 7, 2012 1623-204 catgut, cirquedusoleil 47m 72m                
2012#05 Aug. 9, 2012 1623-204 dogdays 23m                
2012#06 Aug. 6, 2012 Cat flea                
2012#07 Aug. 7, 2012 1623-204 Pussy Riot 65m                
2012#09 Aug. 7, 2012 1623-204 phat2 93m                
2012#10 Aug. 9, 2012 1623-204 dogdays2 58m                
2012#11 Aug. 12, 2012 1623-2012-HW-01 pfuetzenschact 8m                
2012#12 Aug. 2, 2012 1623-2002-AD-04 doppleganger hole 54m 0m                
2012#13 Aug. 11, 2012 1623-2012-js-01 2012-js-01 45m                
2012#14 Aug. 8, 2012 1623-258 climbofthepenguins1, climbofthepenguins2 10m 47m                
2012#15 Aug. 12, 2012 klippenhohle                
2012#16 Aug. 16, 2012 1623-161 sauron 63m                
2012#18 Aug. 15, 2012 birth control chamb…                
2012#19 Aug. 16, 2012 west f bullet hole 2                
2012#20 Aug. 11, 2012 1623-239 ascooped 68m                
2012#21 Aug. 15, 2012 1623-204 boulderchamber 12m                
2012#22 Aug. 9, 2012 1623-204 farfromsupport 42m                
2012#23 Aug. 16, 2012 1623-258 penguinacrobatics 96m                
2012#24 Aug. 10, 2012 1623-161 soilathon 28m                
2012#25 Aug. 12, 2012 1623-204 bigboulders 67m                
2012#26 Aug. 15, 2012 1623-204 boulderchamber_upper 61m                
2012#27 Aug. 10, 2012 1623-204 dogdays3 45m                
2012#29 Aug. 11, 2012 1623-258 Penguin Rift 95m                
2012#30 Aug. 12, 2012 1623-161 blownout 173m                
2012#31 Aug. 15, 2012 1623-258 innerflapcontinuation 40m                
2012#32 Aug. 19, 2012 83m pitch                
2012#33 Aug. 19, 2012 1623-161 wellypopper 111m                
2012#34 Aug. 19, 2012 1623-161 runnelnorth 217m                
2012#35 Aug. 19, 2012 1623-204 downfrombigboulderchamber 98m                
2012#36 Aug. 20, 2012 1623-161 soilchute, polkadot, larchenrepublic 41m 122m 164m                
2012#37 Aug. 20, 2012 1623-234 slapperpinkpot 60m                
2012#38 Aug. 21, 2012 1623-161 bundestrasse 189m                
2012#39 Aug. 22, 2012 1623-258 suicidalvampyre 41m                
2012#40 Aug. 15, 2012 1623-293 1623-2012-ns-09 "293|Blocklufthöhle… 17m 57m                
2012#41 Aug. 16, 2012 1623-2012-ns-10 2012-ns-10 26m                
2012#42 Aug. 20, 2012 1623-292 292 11m                
2012#43 Aug. 20, 2012 1623-2012-ns-03 [] 36m                
2012#44 Aug. 23, 2012 1623-234 youshouldhaveneverletmebegin, mercurialsuppository 85m 28m                
2012#45 Aug. 27, 2012 1623-204 pretzelpassage1|Pre… 106m 79m                
2012#47 Aug. 1, 2012 []                
2012#48 Aug. 3, 2012 1623-148 1623-82 [] 23m 159m                

Note that names in italics are copied from the related survex file block name.

Total underground survey length: 3,248.3 m

WalletWallet DateWallet NamePeopleCave(s)ScansSurvex blocksDrawings using these scans
2012#00 Aug. 5, 2012 [] Noel Snape, Julian Todd, Ian Walker 1623-2012-ns-02 1623-2012-ns-05 1623-2012-ns-06 1623-2012-ns-07 1623-2012-ns-08 1623-2012-ns-12 1623-2012-ns-14 1623-2012-ns-15 1623-288 0 288 2012-ns-02 2012-ns-05 2012-ns-06 2012-ns-07 2012-ns-08 2012-ns-12 2012-ns-14 2012-ns-15 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#01 Aug. 5, 2012 fatcat2, catflea Rob Adams , Holly Bradley, Olaf Kähler, Emma Wilson 1623-204 4 fatcat2 catflea 204/204allupperB.xml
2012#02 Aug. 5, 2012 Pink Up Olly Betts , Jenny Black 1623-157 2 157 no_name-#150 pt2 no_name-#152 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#03 Aug. 6, 2012 fatcat3 Holly Bradley, Wookey 1623-204 1 fatcat3 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#04 Aug. 7, 2012 catgut, cirquedusoleil Jess Stirrups, Emma Wilson, Wookey 1623-204 7 catgut cirquedusoleil 204/204allupperB.xml
2012#05 Aug. 9, 2012 dogdays Olly Madge, Serena Povia 1623-204 2 dogdays (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#06 Aug. 6, 2012 Cat flea Rob Adams , Olaf Kähler 5 204/204allupperB.xml
2012#07 Aug. 7, 2012 Pussy Riot Anthony Day , Wookey 1623-204 0 pussyriot (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#09 Aug. 7, 2012 phat2 Anthony Day , Wookey 1623-204 3 phat2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#10 Aug. 9, 2012 dogdays2 Becka Lawson, Olly Madge 1623-204 3 dogdays2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#11 Aug. 12, 2012 pfuetzenschact Hannah Walker, Ian Walker 1623-2012-HW-01 4 2012-hw-01 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#12 Aug. 2, 2012 doppleganger hole Olly Betts , Jenny Black, Hannah Walker, Ian Walker 1623-2002-AD-04 2 2002-ad-04 157to296 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#13 Aug. 11, 2012 2012-js-01 Jess Stirrups, Frank Tully 1623-2012-js-01 2 2012-js-01 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#14 Aug. 8, 2012 climbofthepenguins1, climbofthepenguins2 Frank Tully, Stuart Walker 1623-258 4 climbofthepenguins1 climbofthepenguins2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#15 Aug. 12, 2012 klippenhohle 5 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#16 Aug. 16, 2012 sauron Rob Adams , Anthony Day 1623-161 7 sauron (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#18 Aug. 15, 2012 birth control chamb… Frank Tully, Olly Madge 2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#19 Aug. 16, 2012 west f bullet hole 2 Frank Tully 2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#20 Aug. 11, 2012 ascooped Andrew Atkinson , Duncan Collis 1623-239 2 ascooped (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#21 Aug. 15, 2012 boulderchamber Andrew Atkinson , Stuart Walker 1623-204 4 boulderchamber (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#22 Aug. 9, 2012 farfromsupport Becka Lawson, Olly Madge 1623-204 5 farfromsupport (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#23 Aug. 16, 2012 penguinacrobatics Andrew Atkinson , Holly Bradley 1623-258 4 penguinacrobatics (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#24 Aug. 10, 2012 soilathon Rob Adams , Wookey 1623-161 5 soilathon (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#25 Aug. 12, 2012 bigboulders Andrew Atkinson , Becka Lawson 1623-204 4 bigboulders (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#26 Aug. 15, 2012 boulderchamber_upper Andrew Atkinson , Stuart Walker 1623-204 4 boulderchamber_upper (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#27 Aug. 10, 2012 dogdays3 Andrew Atkinson , Becka Lawson 1623-204 4 dogdays3 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#29 Aug. 11, 2012 Penguin Rift Becka Lawson, Emma Wilson 1623-258 4 penguinrift (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#30 Aug. 12, 2012 blownout Becka Lawson, Olly Madge 1623-161 4 blownout 161/161oldmenB.xml
2012#31 Aug. 15, 2012 innerflapcontinuation Rob Adams , Holly Bradley 1623-258 4 innerflapcontinuati… (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#32 Aug. 19, 2012 83m pitch 1 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#33 Aug. 19, 2012 wellypopper Holly Bradley, Noel Snape 1623-161 3 wellypopper 161/161oldmenB.xml
2012#34 Aug. 19, 2012 runnelnorth Becka Lawson, Julian Todd 1623-161 4 runnelnorth (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#35 Aug. 19, 2012 downfrombigboulderchamber Becka Lawson, Julian Todd 1623-204 6 downfrombigboulderc… (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#36 Aug. 20, 2012 soilchute, polkadot, larchenrepublic Anthony Day , Becka Lawson 1623-161 13 soilchute polkadot larchenrepublic 161/161oldmenB.xml
2012#37 Aug. 20, 2012 slapperpinkpot Serena Povia, Stuart Walker 1623-234 5 slapperpinkpot (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#38 Aug. 21, 2012 bundestrasse Anthony Day , Becka Lawson 1623-161 9 bundestrasse 161/161oldmenB.xml
2012#39 Aug. 22, 2012 suicidalvampyre Becka Lawson, Noel Snape 1623-258 3 suicidalvampyre (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#40 Aug. 15, 2012 "293|Blocklufthöhle… Noel Snape, Ian Walker 1623-293 1623-2012-ns-09 6 293 2012-ns-09 minor_caves/293-sketch.xml
2012#41 Aug. 16, 2012 2012-ns-10 Noel Snape, Hannah Walker 1623-2012-ns-10 3 2012-ns-10 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#42 Aug. 20, 2012 292 Noel Snape, Julian Todd 1623-292 3 292 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#43 Aug. 20, 2012 [] Noel Snape, Julian Todd 1623-2012-ns-03 3 2012-ns-03 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#44 Aug. 23, 2012 youshouldhaveneverletmebegin, mercurialsuppository Stuart Bennett, Serena Povia, Stuart Walker 1623-234 9 youshouldhaveneverl… mercurialsuppository (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#45 Aug. 27, 2012 pretzelpassage1|Pre… Anthony Day , Becka Lawson 1623-204 7 pretzelpassage1 pretzelpassage2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#47 Aug. 1, 2012 [] Stuart Walker 3 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#48 Aug. 3, 2012 [] Olly Betts , Jenny Black 1623-148 1623-82 29 82_2012 supernova therion/107_eelev/107ee_ropeless.th2

Names in italics are taken from the associated survex file blocks, names not in italics are listed explicitly on the wallet.
The number of Scans is the number as of the most recent database reset. It is not 'live' and may be out of date.