83 - Thunder Road, Under a Rock

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place: 83

Sat 11 Aug 2012    Sun 12 Aug 2012

Jenny Fri 10 Aug 2012 Sun 12 Aug 2012
OllyB Fri 10 Aug 2012 Sun 12 Aug 2012
Sat 11 Aug 2012

Went back to 83 for our final trip to look at the roof tube beyond the bolt traverse and survey the entrance bit. I got part way along and realised I had left the grease syringes on the surface, Olly wasn't yet on the bolt traverse so kindly popped out to get them.

Got into the roof tube, which is called Thunder Road due to the thunder we heard there on the 10th. I took off my SRT kit and wiggled along the passage which rapidly became more rift like. Olly wasn't keen to follow, so sat with the notebook while I shouted back numbers. The passage went for ~30m trending uphill. Near the end was a short section of walking passage followed by a low crawl. Then a drippy aven on the R and a pitch on the left. I surveyed back from here. I suspect it is near the surface.

Derigged back to entrance chamber and began to survey out. Checked the bottom of the rift and it is, as you would expect chossy and connects with the p32. Then, about 1 survey leg up from the p32 passage Olly spotted a low passage going off under a rock, named Under a Rock, passage gets to a pitch, which we could carefully traversed round. Next was a short section of lovely big phreas, heading up to a choke. There were a few bits of leaves and pine cones - presumably near another entrance. Right from the pitch went less far. Combined tactics got me up a short climb which led up to a choke, again with leaves. I thought I could smell outside.

Surveyed back to entrance chamber, and left the cave.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2012#00 [] ['No uploaded scans or incorrect path to wallet contents']
    2012#13 ['notes1', 'notes2']
    2012#20 ['AScooped', 'AScooped']
    2012#29 Penguin Rift ['marchopx-elev', 'marchopx', 'marchopx', 'marchopx-plan']
Logbook trips on this date:
    258 - MotP, Hooray for Boobies - pushing front
    Prospecting and walking to Appelhaus
    83 - Thunder Road, Under a Rock