Schönbergsystem - Glitzerdom -> Conference excursion

Wed 15 Aug 2012

We assembled outside the Ischlerhutte where we slept the night + marched off at 8.30 sharp. Up the main track ~10min then on a decent path steeply up to a v.short cave (almost an arch) with snow + on up to the main entrance (55c) with a locked gate. We had 2 guides + 8 of us - 4 CUCC, 2 from Arge Grabbenstetten (Stefan + Ilya), one girl from the Appelhaus group + a guy from the Vienna group using carbide - a while since I've seen that. We abseiled down Glitzerdom -> Deikenkarrengang + got to the Wandgang, Halle des Müde Bruden + through Trepfsteingang, were shown Satan's Gang where the Raucherkarhöhle + Feuertalhöhle systems were connected in 2007, Gigantendom + then Langegang to SchachtbrückenHalle with dodgy polypro blue bridge then out again. All at a pleasant dawdly pace. Very jolly. Back to Ischlerhutte + down the boring track route to Blaa Alm (the Nagelstegweg is more direct + more scenic though v.steep)

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    2012#00 [] ['No uploaded scans or incorrect path to wallet contents']
    2012#18 birth control chamber ['notes1', 'notes2']
    2012#21 ['BolderChamber-plan', 'BolderChamber-elev', 'BolderChamber', 'BolderChamber']
    2012#26 ['BolderChamber_upper', 'BolderChamber_upper-plan', 'BolderChamber_upper', 'Bol…
    2012#31 ['notes3', 'plan1', 'notes1', 'notes2']
    2012#40 "293|Blocklufthöhle", "2012-ns-09 ['elevation1', 'plan1', 'plan2', 'notes1', 'elevation2', 'notes2']
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