204 - Fat Cat

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place: 204

Sat 04 Aug 2012    Sun 05 Aug 2012

Emma Sat 04 Aug 2012 Tue 07 Aug 2012
Holly Sat 04 Aug 2012 Mon 06 Aug 2012
Sun 05 Aug 2012

Back to fat cat to set the last hilti & drop down. Dropped pitch to near survey stn 14 of fat cat survey. Saw window on way down that Holly managed to rig rope to -> Just a pocket at horizontal level but climb up with QMA above.

Also dropped pitch below window -> led to scrotty passage which opened up a bit. QMB at end & QMA with V. good draft & possible pitch on left. Nice and dry on way out today :-)

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2012#00 [] ['No uploaded scans or incorrect path to wallet contents']
    2012#01 ['plan2', 'notes1', 'notes2', 'plan1']
    2012#02 Pink Up ['notes1', 'notes2']
Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - Fat Cat