1623 / 83 Schwa Schacht 83 2/S =

Surveys and Rigging Guides

Grade 1 extended elevation in Cambridge Underground expedition report

Underground Description

13m freeclimb dropped onto a steep snowslope requiring a handline. This was descended for 10m to a steep boulder slope which funnelled down to a small hole through which stones dropped for a long time. The large amounts of scree made descent unwise. Above the boulder slope, a phreatic passage led quickly to a big hole in the floor. The hole is a fine free-hanging descent of 36m to a solid choke of boulders. The phreatic passage continues beyond the pitch, but was not reached, and trends uphill.


CUCC 1977 - Team Geriatric


This was originally listed as "exploration completed", but the description and survey suggest that with modern drilltastic rigging techniques it would not be hard to reach the continuation of the phreas across the head of the final pitch.


  1. Id letter: '' 83 Edit this entrance
    Marking Comment
    Red paint number from 1977 in two places. Tag "CUCC 1623/83" placed 2007-07-30 in centre of existing red paint survey triangle by Jenny and Olly.
    Plateau, 200m north of Bräuninghöhle (Kat. 82). This is not very obvious, since it is in an area of dwarf pine on a knoll south of the dry valley containing Kat. 107. However, the path to 204 (or at least the 2007 variant) passes about 10m from the entrance - going up the hill, pass the soil section, step down and up the rocky gully and it's on the left shortly after the pale green "christmas tree".

    Photo © Olly Betts 2007

    Tag Location
    1623.p83 47.68197N 13.81117E (UTM33 410776, 5281638), 1672m (SRTM is +45 m, distance from reference: 16m)

New Entrance

Survex File(s)

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Primary survex file for this cave
Download .3d file 1623-83.3d
cave survex path '1623/83/'