83 - derig and survey

Wed 15 Aug 2012

Went back to 83 for the actual final trip. I retrieved the rigging gear while Olly sketched the entrance chamber. I derigged and swung across to look at side tubes. One near the top generated another ~15m of passage.

Finished de-rigging.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2012#00 [] ['No uploaded scans or incorrect path to wallet contents']
    2012#18 birth control chamber ['notes1', 'notes2']
    2012#21 ['BolderChamber-plan', 'BolderChamber-elev', 'BolderChamber', 'BolderChamber']
    2012#26 ['BolderChamber_upper', 'BolderChamber_upper-plan', 'BolderChamber_upper', 'Bol…
    2012#31 ['notes3', 'plan1', 'notes1', 'notes2']
    2012#40 "293|Blocklufthöhle", "2012-ns-09 ['elevation1', 'plan1', 'plan2', 'notes1', 'elevation2', 'notes2']
Logbook trips on this date:
    Schönbergsystem - Glitzerdom -> Conference excursion
    Pushing leads in the north of Tunnocks
    83 - derig and survey
    148 rig
    Inner Flap - Tunnocks