Wallets for 2016

Each wallet contains the scanned original in-cave survey notes and sketches of plans and elevations. It also contains scans of centre-line survex output on which hand-drawn passage sections are drawn. These hand-drawn passages will eventually be traced to produce Tunnel or Therion drawings and eventually the final complete cave survey.

Link to logbooks and calendar for 2016.

When you only have a survexfile

To create a wallet, if you have only a survex file but no notes to scan, you should upload the survexfile first. But before you can do that you will need to login (use the menu item at top-right of page).

Upload the survexfile using e.g. /survexfile/caves-1623/290/mynewsurvex.svx (for a survex file for cave 1623-290). You will cut and paste the survex file data into the window on the form.

While still logged-in, go to this page Create Wallet which will take you to the next unused wallet number page, and click the 'Create' button. This will not actually complete the creation of the wallet until you have also set the date for the wallet in the wallet edit form (which will appear when you press 'Create').

While editing the wallet you should enter in the form the url of the survexfile which you have just created at e.g. /survexfile/caves-1623/290/mynewsurvex.svx (see above).

See also wallets

WalletWallet DateCave(s)Wallet NameSurvex survey length S C Q N P E T W
2016#00 June 30, 2016 1623-171 1623-76 [] 51m 93m 49m                
2016#01 June 30, 2016 1623-258 Live the Dream 319m                
2016#02 June 16, 2016 1623-264 Swingers 19m                
2016#03 June 28, 2016 1623-264 Fat Man Scoop 32m 60m 16m 44m                
2016#04 June 29, 2016 1623-264 Crushed Plumbs 54m                
2016#05 June 30, 2016 Tina Turners Merkin                
2016#06 July 2, 2016 1623-258 Daft Choice 246m                
2016#07 June 26, 2016 1623-264 Consolidation 155m                
2016#08 July 3, 2016 1623-2010-04 surface and Above F… 20m                
2016#09 June 28, 2016 1623-264 One Shot Wonder 40m                
2016#10 July 8, 2016 1623-264 Northern Straight 182m                
2016#11 July 6, 2016 1623-264 Longdrop 169m                
2016#12 July 6, 2016 1623-258 Easy Slackers Walki… 922m                
2016#13 July 5, 2016 1623-258 Daft Choice 2+3 36m 29m                
2016#14 July 7, 2016 1623-258 Slackers-pt4 296m                
2016#15 July 6, 2016 1623-258 Slackers 2 186m                
2016#16 July 6, 2016 1623-258 Slackers 3 44m                
2016#17 July 7, 2016 1623-258 Slackers 5 443m                
2016#18 July 6, 2016 1623-258 WrongWay 97m                
2016#19 July 5, 2016 1623-264 SnowHole 79m                
2016#20 July 7, 2016 1623-258 Slackers 6 31m                
2016#21 July 8, 2016 1623-258 The Wrong Custard 50m                
2016#22 July 8, 2016 1623-258 Slackers 7 41m                
2016#23 July 8, 2016 1623-258 Lobster Pot 93m                
2016#24 July 9, 2016 1623-258 Kipper Cock 135m                
2016#25 July 9, 2016 1623-258 Indian Rope Trick 59m                
2016#26 July 5, 2016 1623-2001-02 1623-2001-03 1623-286 several, please edi… 62m 15m 12m                
2016#27 July 12, 2016 1623-258 What Would Your Mot… 104m                
2016#28 July 11, 2016 1623-264 Roundabout (Hilti-a… 165m                
2016#29 July 8, 2016 1623-264 Bad Attitude (Hilti… 19m 65m                
2016#30 July 8, 2016 1623-264 Lets be Apalling (H… 132m                
2016#31 July 8, 2016 Young Love (Hilti-a…                
2016#32 July 11, 2016 1623-258 Song of the Earth: … 124m 389m 150m                
2016#33 July 5, 2016 Caving 101                
2016#34 July 5, 2016 1623-264 Double Scoop 44m                
2016#35 July 5, 2016 1623-264 Double Scoop 2 41m                
2016#36 July 16, 2016 1623-258 Dont Stop me Now 236m                
2016#37 July 16, 2016 Stone Monkey Descri…                
2016#38 July 18, 2016 1623-258 Scream if you want … 51m                
2016#39 July 18, 2016 1623-264 Just Keeps Giving (… 114m                
2016#40 July 18, 2016 1623-264 Water Torture (Hilt… 29m                
2016#41 July 18, 2016 1623-258 Papaw Passage (Song… 30m                
2016#42 July 17, 2016 1623-264 We Can't Stop now -… 183m                
2016#43 July 23, 2016 Surface GPS/Altimet…                
2016#44 July 18, 2016 Surface 97->271c->2…                
2016#45 July 17, 2016 1623-264 Cathedral Chasm 2 468m                
2016#46 July 25, 2016 1623-264 Hilti Galactica 465m                
2016#47 July 12, 2016 1623-264 Long Drop 2 232m                
2016#48 June 28, 2016 Consolidation Pitch…                
2016#49 July 11, 2016 GPS surface and pit…                
2016#51 June 30, 2016 1623-271 ngarahoe 42m                
2016#52 June 26, 2016 1623-101 ent101 33m                
2016#53 June 28, 2016 1623-97 entrance97 13m                
2016#54 July 8, 2016 1623-171 Main, 171_lower, 17… 0m 101m                
2016#55 July 9, 2016 1623-289 Solidrock 80m                
2016#56 July 7, 2016 1623-76 Atomic 12m                
2016#57 July 16, 2016 1623-289 Hopeless 33m                
2016#58 July 18, 2016 1623-289 dirtysnow 39m 0m                
2016#59 July 20, 2016 1623-289 Solidrocks 21m 0m 3m                
2016#60 July 21, 2016 1623-289 Nervous Breakdown 136m                

Note that names in italics are copied from the related survex file block name.

Total underground survey length: 7,731.4 m

WalletWallet DateWallet NamePeopleCave(s)ScansSurvex blocksDrawings using these scans
2016#00 June 30, 2016 [] Olly Betts , Jenny Black 1623-171 1623-76 1 electric_upper electric_lower 171_lower (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#01 June 30, 2016 Live the Dream Anthony Day , Chris Densham, Nathan Walker 1623-258 10 livingthedream 264-and-258/258plus264-lower-tunnbalk.xml
2016#02 June 16, 2016 Swingers Nat Dalton , Elliott Smith 1623-264 4 swingers 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#03 June 28, 2016 Fat Man Scoop George Breley, Frank Tully, Nathan Walker Luke Stangroom 1623-264 6 crushedplumbspitch underexcitment fatmanscoop2 naturalhigh2 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#04 June 29, 2016 Crushed Plumbs George Breley, Frank Tully Luke Stangroom 1623-264 5 tinaturnersmerkin 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#05 June 30, 2016 Tina Turners Merkin Frank Tully, Luke Stangroom 6 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#06 July 2, 2016 Daft Choice Andrew Atkinson , Becka Lawson, Luke Stangroom 1623-258 16 daftchoice 264-and-258/258-upper-tunnocks-only-dec2024.xml
2016#07 June 26, 2016 Consolidation Andrew Atkinson , Becka Lawson 1623-264 8 consolidation (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#08 July 3, 2016 surface and Above F… Becka Lawson, Andrew Atkinson , Luke Stangroom, George Breley 1623-2010-04 1 2010-04 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#09 June 28, 2016 One Shot Wonder Andrew Atkinson , Becka Lawson 1623-264 3 oneshotwonder (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#10 July 8, 2016 Northern Straight George Breley, Alice Smith 1623-264 7 northernstraight 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#11 July 6, 2016 Longdrop Elliott Smith, Nathan Walker 1623-264 5 longdrop 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#12 July 6, 2016 Easy Slackers Walki… Nat Dalton , Chris Densham, Wookey 1623-258 20 slackers 264-and-258/258plus264-lower-tunnbalk.xml
2016#13 July 5, 2016 Daft Choice 2+3 Becka Lawson, Frank Tully 1623-258 8 daftchoice2 daftchoice3 264-and-258/258-upper-tunnocks-only-dec2024.xml
2016#14 July 7, 2016 Slackers-pt4 Becka Lawson, David Walker Julian Todd 1623-258 9 slackers4 264-and-258/258plus264-lower-tunnbalk.xml
2016#15 July 6, 2016 Slackers 2 Becka Lawson, Julian Todd, David Walker 1623-258 6 slackers2 264-and-258/258plus264-lower-tunnbalk.xml
2016#16 July 6, 2016 Slackers 3 Becka Lawson, Julian Todd, David Walker 1623-258 3 slackers3 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#17 July 7, 2016 Slackers 5 Becka Lawson, Julian Todd, David Walker 1623-258 17 slackers5 264-and-258/258plus264-lower-tunnbalk.xml
2016#18 July 6, 2016 WrongWay Andrew Atkinson , George Breley, Luke Stangroom 1623-258 1 wrongway 264-and-258/258-upper-tunnocks-only-dec2024.xml
2016#19 July 5, 2016 SnowHole Andrew Atkinson , Sioned Haughton 1623-264 3 snowhole 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#20 July 7, 2016 Slackers 6 Anthony Day , Mark Dougherty, Luke Stangroom 1623-258 4 slackers6 264-and-258/258plus264-lower-tunnbalk.xml
2016#21 July 8, 2016 The Wrong Custard Anthony Day , Mark Dougherty, Luke Stangroom 1623-258 4 wrongcustard 264-and-258/258plus264-lower-tunnbalk.xml
2016#22 July 8, 2016 Slackers 7 Anthony Day , Mark Dougherty, Luke Stangroom 1623-258 4 slackers7 264-and-258/258plus264-lower-tunnbalk.xml
2016#23 July 8, 2016 Lobster Pot Anthony Day , Mark Dougherty, Luke Stangroom 1623-258 6 lobsterpot 264-and-258/258plus264-lower-tunnbalk.xml
2016#24 July 9, 2016 Kipper Cock Anthony Day , Mark Dougherty, Luke Stangroom 1623-258 6 kippercock 264-and-258/258plus264-lower-tunnbalk.xml
2016#25 July 9, 2016 Indian Rope Trick Anthony Day , Luke Stangroom 1623-258 4 indianropetrick 264-and-258/258plus264-lower-tunnbalk.xml
2016#26 July 5, 2016 several, please edi… Roshni Gohil, Frank Tully 1623-2001-02 1623-2001-03 1623-286 8 286 2001-02 2001-03 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#27 July 12, 2016 What Would Your Mot… George Breley, Nat Dalton , Becka Lawson 1623-258 6 whatwouldyourmother… 264-and-258/258-upper-tunnocks-only-dec2024.xml
2016#28 July 11, 2016 Roundabout (Hilti-a… Fleur Loveridge, Pete Talling, Nathan Walker 1623-264 7 roundabout 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#29 July 8, 2016 Bad Attitude (Hilti… George Breley, Elliott Smith, Nathan Walker, Rob Watson 1623-264 2 caving101 badattitude 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#30 July 8, 2016 Lets be Apalling (H… George Breley, Rob Watson 1623-264 4 lets_be_appalling 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#31 July 8, 2016 Young Love (Hilti-a… George Breley 4 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#32 July 11, 2016 Song of the Earth: … Katey Bender, Chris Densham, Ian Peachey , Rob Watson 1623-258 17 part1 part2 part3 264-and-258/258plus264-lower-tunnbalk.xml
2016#33 July 5, 2016 Caving 101 Elliott Smith, Rob Watson , Nathan Walker 1 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#34 July 5, 2016 Double Scoop Elliott Smith, Nathan Walker, Rob Watson 1623-264 2 doublescoop (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#35 July 5, 2016 Double Scoop 2 Elliott Smith, Nathan Walker, Rob Watson 1623-264 2 doublescoop2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#36 July 16, 2016 Dont Stop me Now Michael Sargent , Elliott Smith 1623-258 6 dontstopmenow 264-and-258/258plus264-lower-tunnbalk.xml
2016#37 July 16, 2016 Stone Monkey Descri… 2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#38 July 18, 2016 Scream if you want … Fleur Loveridge, Ian Peachey 1623-258 4 screamer 264-and-258/258plus264-lower-tunnbalk.xml
2016#39 July 18, 2016 Just Keeps Giving (… Martin Green, Aidan Marks, Elliott Smith, Pete Talling 1623-264 4 keepsongiving 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#40 July 18, 2016 Water Torture (Hilt… Aidan Marks, Pete Talling 1623-264 4 watertorture 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#41 July 18, 2016 Papaw Passage (Song… Katey Bender, Elaine Oliver 1623-258 3 papawpassage (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#42 July 17, 2016 We Can't Stop now -… Luke Stangroom, Rob Watson 1623-264 6 cant_stop_bat_count… 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#43 July 23, 2016 Surface GPS/Altimet… Mark Dougherty 6 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#44 July 18, 2016 Surface 97->271c->2… Olly Betts , Jenny Black 1 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#45 July 17, 2016 Cathedral Chasm 2 Ashley Gregg , Aidan Marks 1623-264 2 cathedralchasm2 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#46 July 25, 2016 Hilti Galactica Martin Green, Ashley Gregg 1623-264 2 hiltigalactica 264-and-258/264-upper-balkon-only-dec2024.xml
2016#47 July 12, 2016 Long Drop 2 Ashley Gregg , Rob Watson 1623-264 2 longdrop2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#48 June 28, 2016 Consolidation Pitch… Becka Lawson, Andrew Atkinson , Sioned Haughton 5 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#49 July 11, 2016 GPS surface and pit… Becka Lawson, Nat Dalton , George Breley 6 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#51 June 30, 2016 ngarahoe Olly Betts , Jenny Black 1623-271 10 ngauruhoe (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#52 June 26, 2016 ent101 Olly Betts , Jenny Black 1623-101 7 101 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#53 June 28, 2016 entrance97 Olly Betts , Jenny Black 1623-97 6 97 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#54 July 8, 2016 Main, 171_lower, 17… Olly Betts , Jenny Black 1623-171 24 171 main (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#55 July 9, 2016 Solidrock Olly Betts , Jenny Black 1623-289 8 solidrock (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#56 July 7, 2016 Atomic Olly Betts , Jenny Black 1623-76 12 atomic (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#57 July 16, 2016 Hopeless Olly Betts , Jenny Black 1623-289 5 hopeless (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#58 July 18, 2016 dirtysnow Olly Betts , Jenny Black 1623-289 4 dirtysnow no_name-#315 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#59 July 20, 2016 Solidrocks Olly Betts , Jenny Black 1623-289 7 solidrocks no_name-#317 no_name-#318 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2016#60 July 21, 2016 Nervous Breakdown Olly Betts , Jenny Black 1623-289 4 nervousbreakdown (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)

Names in italics are taken from the associated survex file blocks, names not in italics are listed explicitly on the wallet.
The number of Scans is the number as of the most recent database reset. It is not 'live' and may be out of date.