Wallets for Anthony Day

Each wallet contains the scanned original in-cave survey notes and sketches of plans and elevations. It also contains scans of centre-line survex output on which hand-drawn passage sections are drawn. These hand-drawn passages will eventually be traced to produce Tunnel or Therion drawings and eventually the final complete cave survey.

When you only have a survexfile

To create a wallet, if you have only a survex file but no notes to scan, you should upload the survexfile first. But before you can do that you will need to login (use the menu item at top-right of page).

Upload the survexfile using e.g. /survexfile/caves-1623/290/mynewsurvex.svx (for a survex file for cave 1623-290). You will cut and paste the survex file data into the window on the form.

While still logged-in, go to this page Create Wallet which will take you to the next unused wallet number page, and click the 'Create' button. This will not actually complete the creation of the wallet until you have also set the date for the wallet in the wallet edit form (which will appear when you press 'Create').

While editing the wallet you should enter in the form the url of the survexfile which you have just created at e.g. /survexfile/caves-1623/290/mynewsurvex.svx (see above).

See also wallets

WalletWallet DateCave(s)Wallet NameSurvex survey length S C Q N P E T W
1999#08 July 30, 1999 1623-161 turkey 62m                
1999#10 Aug. 4, 1999 []                
1999#16 Aug. 8, 1999 millenium dome                
1999#18 Aug. 5, 1999 1623-204 white elephant 219m                
2000#26 Aug. 10, 2000 1623-204 fledermaus 125m                
2000#44 Aug. 15, 2000 1623-204 razor1 90m                
2001#07 Aug. 14, 2001 surface 204a to 204c 0m                
2001#08 Aug. 15, 2001 1623-204 moreballs 137m                
2001#28 Aug. 19, 2001 204etoc 0m                
2001#29 Aug. 19, 2001 1623-204 part1, part2 18m 43m                
2001#30 Aug. 22, 2001 204ato239, 204cbodge 0m 0m                
2002#16 Aug. 2, 2002 razor dance cont.                
2002#17 Aug. 18, 2002 1623-234 lefthand 80m                
2002#23 Aug. 22, 2002 1623-2002-07 1623-2002-08 1623-204 2002-07|Ampitheatre 42m 21m 15m 25m 0m                
2002#30 Aug. 23, 2002 1623-234 trunk 53m                
2003#12 July 24, 2003 204cto242 0m                
2003#21 July 29, 2003 249to234 0m                
2003#22 July 29, 2003 1623-242 242 17m                
2003#32 July 30, 2003 1623-204 razor6 18m                
2003#34 July 29, 2003 surface 0m                
2004#06 July 21, 2004 1623-204 razor 8 72m                
2004#28 July 27, 2004 1623-204 razor9 70m                
2005#41 Aug. 9, 2005 204itog|204i to 204g 0m                
2005#42 Aug. 9, 2005 1623-204 entg 68m                
2005#43 Aug. 10, 2005 surface 161e to 161… 0m                
2005#44 Aug. 11, 2005 1623-204 highhopeslink 3m                
2007#15 July 18, 2007 1623-204 razor10 113m                
2007#20 July 22, 2007 1623-204 razor12 102m                
2007#31 July 14, 2007 []                
2009#14 July 29, 2009 1623-161 satansitter 83m                
2009#15 July 30, 2009 1623-161 iceland pitch 128m 81m 96m 35m                
2009#16 July 30, 2009 1623-161 direstraits 33m                
2011#24 Aug. 3, 2011 1623-161 oldmen 344m                
2011#29 Aug. 7, 2011 1623-161 oldmen3 42m                
2011#33 Aug. 8, 2011 1623-161 oldmen4 226m                
2012#07 Aug. 7, 2012 1623-204 Pussy Riot 65m                
2012#09 Aug. 7, 2012 1623-204 phat2 93m                
2012#16 Aug. 16, 2012 1623-161 sauron 63m                
2012#36 Aug. 20, 2012 1623-161 soilchute, polkadot, larchenrepublic 41m 122m 164m                
2012#38 Aug. 21, 2012 1623-161 bundestrasse 189m                
2012#45 Aug. 27, 2012 1623-204 pretzelpassage1|Pre… 106m 79m                
2013#03 Aug. 2, 2013 1623-258 determination 65m                
2013#06 Aug. 1, 2007 1623-258 Just For A Laugh 27m 27m                
2013#10 Aug. 6, 2013 1623-258 Number of the Beast? 110m                
2015#10 July 27, 2015 1623-258 Inferno 205m                
2015#21 July 29, 2015 1623-258 kraken 181m                
2015#39 Aug. 3, 2015 1623-258 Tunnocks, anthemusa 182m                
2015#42 Aug. 5, 2015 1623-258 Tunnocks, tentacle … 74m                
2016#01 June 30, 2016 1623-258 Live the Dream 319m                
2016#20 July 7, 2016 1623-258 Slackers 6 31m                
2016#21 July 8, 2016 1623-258 The Wrong Custard 50m                
2016#22 July 8, 2016 1623-258 Slackers 7 41m                
2016#23 July 8, 2016 1623-258 Lobster Pot 93m                
2016#24 July 9, 2016 1623-258 Kipper Cock 135m                
2016#25 July 9, 2016 1623-258 Indian Rope Trick 59m                
2018#02 July 11, 2018 1623-297 Shark Tooth Cave 45m                
2018#06 July 15, 2018 1623-290 Fisch Gesicht Hoehle 93m 101m                
2018#13 July 21, 2018 FischGesicht Hoehle                
2018#21 July 26, 2018 1623-258 Tunnocks - Hydra - … 56m                
2022#01 July 31, 2022 1623-264 erechtheion1 113m                
2022#02 July 31, 2022 1623-264 erechtheion2 83m                
2022#11 Aug. 4, 2022 1623-264 custardcavalry2 138m                
2022#32 Aug. 9, 2022 1623-264 ichthyes2 30m                
2024#14 July 21, 2024 1623-264 Gorgons lair 122m 14m                
2024#15 July 25, 2024 1623-2015-DL-01 1623-2024-JC-01 2015-DL-01, 2024-JC… 10m 0m 13m 0m                

Note that names in italics are copied from the related survex file block name.

Total underground survey length: 5,804.5 m - but this includes all the surveys associated with the wallet, including those where Anthony Day did not participate.

WalletWallet DateWallet NameTeamCave(s)ScansSurvex blocksDrawings using these scans
1999#08 July 30, 1999 turkey Anthony Day , Julia Day 1623-161 7 turkey (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
1999#10 Aug. 4, 1999 [] Nick Proctor, Duncan Collis , Anthony Day , Julia Day , Mike Richardson 32 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
1999#16 Aug. 8, 1999 millenium dome Anthony Day , Helen Twelftree 15 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
1999#18 Aug. 5, 1999 white elephant Anthony Day , Nick Proctor Helen Twelftree 1623-204 6 millennium (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#26 Aug. 10, 2000 fledermaus Duncan Collis , Anthony Day 1623-204 9 fledermaus (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#44 Aug. 15, 2000 razor1 Duncan Collis , Anthony Day 1623-204 11 razor1 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2001#07 Aug. 14, 2001 surface 204a to 204c Anthony Day , Julia Day 2 204atoc (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2001#08 Aug. 15, 2001 moreballs Duncan Collis , Anthony Day 1623-204 7 moreballs (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2001#28 Aug. 19, 2001 204etoc Anthony Day , Julia Day 0 204etoc (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2001#29 Aug. 19, 2001 part1, part2 Anthony Day , Julia Day 1623-204 14 part1 part2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2001#30 Aug. 22, 2001 204ato239, 204cbodge Anthony Day , Julia Day 2 204ato239 204cbodge (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2002#16 Aug. 2, 2002 razor dance cont. Frank Tully, Anthony Day 2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2002#17 Aug. 18, 2002 lefthand Duncan Collis , Anthony Day 1623-234 4 lefthand (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2002#23 Aug. 22, 2002 2002-07|Ampitheatre Anthony Day , Ben Shaw, Frank Tully 1623-2002-07 1623-2002-08 1623-204 5 2002-07 2002-08 quarriesd razor3 quarries (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2002#30 Aug. 23, 2002 trunk Anthony Day , Julia Day 1623-234 3 trunk (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2003#12 July 24, 2003 204cto242 Anthony Day , Julia Day 1 204cto242 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2003#21 July 29, 2003 249to234 Anthony Day , Julia Day , Dave Loeffler 2 249to234 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2003#22 July 29, 2003 242 Anthony Day , Julia Day 1623-242 2 242 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2003#32 July 30, 2003 razor6 Anthony Day , Dave Loeffler 1623-204 2 razor6 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2003#34 July 29, 2003 surface Anthony Day , Julia Day 2 204ftoc (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2004#06 July 21, 2004 razor 8 Anthony Day , Mark Dougherty 1623-204 4 razor8 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2004#28 July 27, 2004 razor9 Anthony Day , Dave Loeffler 1623-204 4 razor9 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2005#41 Aug. 9, 2005 204itog|204i to 204g Anthony Day , Frank Tully 2 204itog (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2005#42 Aug. 9, 2005 entg Anthony Day , Frank Tully 1623-204 4 entg (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2005#43 Aug. 10, 2005 surface 161e to 161… Anthony Day , Julia Day 2 161etog (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2005#44 Aug. 11, 2005 highhopeslink Anthony Day , Frank Tully 1623-204 2 highhopeslink (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2007#15 July 18, 2007 razor10 Duncan Collis , Anthony Day 1623-204 6 razor10 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2007#20 July 22, 2007 razor12 Duncan Collis , Anthony Day 1623-204 7 razor12 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2007#31 July 14, 2007 [] Mark Shinwell, Anthony Day , Mark Dougherty 1 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2009#14 July 29, 2009 satansitter Anthony Day , Noel Snape 1623-161 6 satansitter 161/161farnorthonlyB.xml
2009#15 July 30, 2009 iceland pitch Anthony Day , Mike Richardson 1623-161 6 iceland1 iceland2 iceland3 icelandpitch 161/161phumourB.xml
2009#16 July 30, 2009 direstraits Anthony Day , Edvin Deadman 1623-161 4 direstraits 161/161farnorthonlyB.xml
2011#24 Aug. 3, 2011 oldmen Rob Adams , Anthony Day , Wookey 1623-161 13 oldmen 161/161oldmenB.xml
2011#29 Aug. 7, 2011 oldmen3 Anthony Day , Becka Lawson 1623-161 5 oldmen3 161/161oldmenB.xml
2011#33 Aug. 8, 2011 oldmen4 Anthony Day , Thomas Holder, Becka Lawson 1623-161 20 oldmen4 161/161oldmenB.xml
2012#07 Aug. 7, 2012 Pussy Riot Anthony Day , Wookey 1623-204 0 pussyriot (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#09 Aug. 7, 2012 phat2 Anthony Day , Wookey 1623-204 3 phat2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#16 Aug. 16, 2012 sauron Rob Adams , Anthony Day 1623-161 7 sauron (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2012#36 Aug. 20, 2012 soilchute, polkadot, larchenrepublic Anthony Day , Becka Lawson 1623-161 13 soilchute polkadot larchenrepublic 161/161oldmenB.xml
2012#38 Aug. 21, 2012 bundestrasse Anthony Day , Becka Lawson 1623-161 9 bundestrasse 161/161oldmenB.xml
2012#45 Aug. 27, 2012 pretzelpassage1|Pre… Anthony Day , Becka Lawson 1623-204 7 pretzelpassage1 pretzelpassage2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2013#03 Aug. 2, 2013 determination Holly Bradley, Anthony Day , Chris Densham 1623-258 11 determination 264-and-258/1623-uppertunnbalc.xml
2013#06 Aug. 1, 2007 Just For A Laugh Anthony Day , Becka Lawson, Julian Todd, Matt Watson 1623-258 1 no_name-#1587 justforalaugh3 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2013#10 Aug. 6, 2013 Number of the Beast? Anthony Day , Chris Densham 1623-258 6 numberofthebeast (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2015#10 July 27, 2015 Inferno Anthony Day , Wookey Ben Whetton 1623-258 6 inferno 264-and-258/1623-lowertunnbalc.xml
2015#21 July 29, 2015 kraken Anthony Day , Andy Kuszyk 1623-258 7 kraken 264-and-258/1623-lowertunnbalc.xml
2015#39 Aug. 3, 2015 Tunnocks, anthemusa Anthony Day , Fleur Loveridge Chris Densham 1623-258 5 anthemusa 264-and-258/1623-lowertunnbalc.xml
2015#42 Aug. 5, 2015 Tunnocks, tentacle … Anthony Day , Chris Densham Andy Kuszyk 1623-258 2 tentacle 264-and-258/1623-lowertunnbalc.xml
2016#01 June 30, 2016 Live the Dream Anthony Day , Chris Densham, Nathan Walker 1623-258 10 livingthedream 264-and-258/1623-lowertunnbalc.xml
2016#20 July 7, 2016 Slackers 6 Anthony Day , Mark Dougherty, Luke Stangroom 1623-258 4 slackers6 264-and-258/1623-lowertunnbalc.xml
2016#21 July 8, 2016 The Wrong Custard Anthony Day , Mark Dougherty, Luke Stangroom 1623-258 4 wrongcustard 264-and-258/1623-lowertunnbalc.xml
2016#22 July 8, 2016 Slackers 7 Anthony Day , Mark Dougherty, Luke Stangroom 1623-258 4 slackers7 264-and-258/1623-lowertunnbalc.xml
2016#23 July 8, 2016 Lobster Pot Anthony Day , Mark Dougherty, Luke Stangroom 1623-258 6 lobsterpot 264-and-258/1623-lowertunnbalc.xml
2016#24 July 9, 2016 Kipper Cock Anthony Day , Mark Dougherty, Luke Stangroom 1623-258 6 kippercock 264-and-258/1623-lowertunnbalc.xml
2016#25 July 9, 2016 Indian Rope Trick Anthony Day , Luke Stangroom 1623-258 4 indianropetrick 264-and-258/1623-lowertunnbalc.xml
2018#02 July 11, 2018 Shark Tooth Cave Anthony Day , Chris Densham Todd Rye, Frank Tully 1623-297 2 297 minor_caves/297-was-2012-dd-08.xml
2018#06 July 15, 2018 Fisch Gesicht Hoehle Charlie Crossley , Anthony Day , Michael Holliday, Lydia Clare Leather , Philip Withnall 1623-290 5 freeattic_flys ulysses_to_toto 290/290fishfacearea3_lower.xml
2018#13 July 21, 2018 FischGesicht Hoehle Lydia Clare Leather , Anthony Day , Philip Withnall 6 290/290fishfacearea3_upper.xml
2018#21 July 26, 2018 Tunnocks - Hydra - … Anthony Day , Chris Densham, Lydia Clare Leather 1623-258 7 radiosilence (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2022#01 July 31, 2022 erechtheion1 Anthony Day , Harry Kettle 1623-264 8 erechtheion1 264-and-258/1623-midbalc2024.xml
2022#02 July 31, 2022 erechtheion2 Anthony Day , Harry Kettle 1623-264 2 erechtheion2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2022#11 Aug. 4, 2022 custardcavalry2 Anthony Day , Alice Kirby, Oakem Kyne 1623-264 10 custardcavalry2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2022#32 Aug. 9, 2022 ichthyes2 Anthony Day , Alice Kirby 1623-264 2 ichthyes2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2024#14 July 21, 2024 Gorgons lair Anthony Day , Marie Donovan, Wookey 1623-264 12 gorgon no_name-#1792 264-and-258/1623-midbalc2024.xml
2024#15 July 25, 2024 2015-DL-01, 2024-JC… Jacob Chuck, Wookey Anthony Day 1623-2015-DL-01 1623-2024-JC-01 19 shaggedspit no_name-#488 2024-jc-01 no_name-#501 therion/2024-JC-01/2024-JC-01.th2

Names in italics are taken from the associated survex file blocks, names not in italics are listed explicitly on the wallet.
The number of Scans is the number as of the most recent database reset. It is not 'live' and may be out of date.