Jenny Black : 2007

1030.8 m surveyed this year.

Other years:  | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2012 | 2013 | 2015 | 2016

Status of all wallets for Jenny Black

Table of all trips and surveys aligned by date

July 12, 2007 Top Camp - Setting up 76 bivi Top Camp
July 13, 2007 97 - Prospecting Beyond 97 97 1 32.6 m
-- 2007-70 15.0 m
-- 2007-70_to_271 0.0 m
July 14, 2007 148 - Marylin Monroe Hoehle 148 ent 52.6 m
July 15, 2007 Cairn Cave - 2006-70 (Cairn Cave) and Marilyn Monroe Hoehle Cairn Cave 2006-70 16.3 m
-- 148_to_2006-70 0.0 m
July 17, 2007 148 - (Maralin Munroe) 148 icecastle 71.0 m
July 18, 2007 2007-72 - Batter pot (2007-72) 2007-72 2007-72 24.3 m
-- 2007-72_to_99 0.0 m
July 19, 2007 161 - 161d 161
July 22, 2007 148 - Surveying 148 two 105.6 m
-- poxy 6.5 m
July 23, 2007 76 - Rigging and radon detecting 76 102_to_103 0.0 m
July 24, 2007 76 - Sea of holes 76 holes 62.2 m
July 25, 2007 76 - The ledge in Plugged shaft 76
July 26, 2007 Surface Prospecting - Surface shaft on Plateau Surface Prospecting pt2 7.2 m
July 28, 2007 Surface Prospecting - 81/82/85 Surface Prospecting oldcave 43.5 m
-- 19.4 m
July 29, 2007 148 - final trip 148
July 30, 2007 76 - Radon Detector change 76
Aug. 1, 2007 Surface Shaft Unknown
Aug. 2, 2007 82 - 82-85 82
Aug. 3, 2007 76 - Boiling Tubes 76 boil2 8.1 m
-- boil3 11.6 m
-- choss 18.1 m
-- brave9 27.9 m
Aug. 4, 2007 81 - new stuff 81 newpart 70.3 m
-- 82to85 78.1 m
Aug. 6, 2007 81 - crap lead 81
Aug. 7, 2007 1987-02 - Surface and Shaft 1987-02 267_to_laser5 0.0 m
-- 81 - 81-148 connection 81
Aug. 9, 2007 148 - pitch stuff 148 pointless 10.4 m
Aug. 10, 2007 1987-02 - RH pitch 1987-02 267 270.0 m
Aug. 13, 2007 76 - derig 76
Aug. 14, 2007 82 - 81b and 82 82 82_2007 80.1 m
-- 85_and_82_to_148 0.0 m
Aug. 15, 2007 148 - "Some Like it Pot" + derig 148