Cairn Cave - 2006-70 (Cairn Cave) and Marilyn Monroe Hoehle
Sun 15 Jul 2007
Olly Betts
Olly Betts
Jenny was (uncharacteristically) not feeling well so she sat in what
little shade there was, while I went underground. First, at Cairn cave I
put in a tag spit, then used that plus a thread backup and two
protectors to descend. The pitch head is awkward, then bells out to
land on a rubble floor with a dirty snowplug. A chink of light enters
upslope from a nearby shaft, while downslope the roof lowers and chokes.
This is the source of the outward draft noted at the entrance.
Then onto 148- I entered in thermals plus oversuit and drilled and
set two spits for the pitch which bypasses the squeeze and climb. Then
surface surveyed from 148 to 2006-70.