81 - new stuff

Sat 04 Aug 2007
Jenny Black

Went back to 81 to survey the new stuff. Not a hugely long cave but a lot of entrances (which we have put hiltis in for the tags and for 82b tag). There are still a couple of leads to look at later as well. What we surveyed was mostly walking passage and quite pleasant.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2007#43 []
    2007#44 Hollow Sausage and Dover"s Last Stand ['elev', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'plan']
    2007#96 surface ['austria2007notes-0014-82-to-85']
    2007#97 More of 1623/81, Connection to 1623/148 ['1623-81-148conn', 'austria2007notes-0016-81more', 'austria2007notes-0008-81mo…
Logbook trips on this date:
    Tunnocks - Rigging Tunnockschacht
    81 - new stuff
    204 - 'Lead 03-75A'
    204 - Gösser Streamway - Rig push, survey, derig