148 - Marylin Monroe Hoehle
Jenny Black
Went back to look at 148, 20 years after it was last explored.
Crawling entrance to a squeeze and climb into a larger passage, so far
the same as the old description and similar to the old survey if you
rotate it by about 56 degrees. Then at the junction right doesn't
actually choke - there is a way on doubling back that ends at a diggable
sandy crawl. Left at the previous junction was missing the snow from
1987 and led to a pitch which you could reach either approximately 10m
from the bottom of 20m up. Daylight just about comes in from above along
with lots of drips presumably a snow plug on the surface above a big
pitch very close to the 204 path.
I got really cold cos it drafted a lot and I was only wearing one lot
of thermals under my furry. At the base of the pitch left went to loose
boulders, a low continuation and before that another pitch. The other
way didn't go very far, low down, but level with the lower entry the
pitch continued. Olly went here till he got to a big aven/chamber/pitch
type thing, and I sat and got cold cos my arm hurt where I scalded it in
the morning. We surveyed half of it on the way out and found some old
survey notes on the floor - we plan to photo them before moving them out
of the cave.