1987-02 - RH pitch

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place: 1987-02

Thu 09 Aug 2007    Sat 11 Aug 2007

Jenny Black Thu 09 Aug 2007 Mon 13 Aug 2007
Olly Betts Thu 09 Aug 2007 Mon 13 Aug 2007
Fri 10 Aug 2007
Jenny Black

Went to survey & explore 1987-02. Headed to the RH pitch first. It had a bolt which, combined with a couple of naturals & fending off from the wall, got us down. Pitch lands at a junction, left (as you look down the pitch) is BIG phreas with another way in from a little vertical oxbow. This goes for a while then gets smaller and lower (but still 5m wide). Eventually the gap between the rubble and roof becomes too low. Would be diggable but doesn't draught. Back at the base of the pitch a daylight aven comes in from straight on. To the right soon becomes a rift, climbing high ends up choking, low down gets to a narrow meandering rift turning left through which a howling draught blows out. We both went a few metres in and noted that it echoes and is a bit tight - the most promising a tight rift could be I guess. Again, back at the pitch, kind of back underneath, is a phreatic passage that ends in a hanging death choke that again draughts. Back at the entrance the other way on drops into the same passage as the other one. Daylight comes in from another shaft. Very interesting to get big phreas here ~1/2 way between 76 and 161 ... worth prospecting in the area next year I think.

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