204 - Steinbrückenhöhle

Thu 10 Aug 2000
Becka Lawson


Derigged Earl's pitch + traverse to get more rope then to head of Brian's 100m pitch, ready to start surveying .... er - but where's the tape ? Bugger. I prussiked out to fetch the tape (meeting sunbathing Duncs et al on the surface) whilst Brian fettled his rigging. Finally us two got back together + set off surveying down the pitch (badly - lots of joke plumbs as it wasn't quite vertical but v. elegant large pitch ~100m with only a couple of bolts, lots of naturals). Brian rigged the last 20m or so section on naturals to end in ... pebbly chamber with a too-tight rift heading off. Well, I couldn't be bothered to force myself to try the rift (probably doable without SRT kit). Out, derigging the 100m rift. Took out lots of tackle sacks + it was q. slow going. 9 pm out, in 11 am in the morning, think the early start was a record, this expo.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - Steinbrückenhöhle
    1623-40 - Eishöhle: MI pushing
    Loser Plateau - Surface Bashing
    40 - Eishöhle
    204 - Steinbrückenhöhle Fledermausschacht