1623-40 - Eishöhle: MI pushing

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place: 1623-40

Thu 10 Aug 2000    Thu 10 Aug 2000

Andrew Atkinson Wed 09 Aug 2000 Fri 11 Aug 2000
Wookey Wed 09 Aug 2000 Fri 11 Aug 2000
Thu 10 Aug 2000

Went back to Eishöhle to try another angle on the connection - going 'over the top'. Took drill & 60m rope to top of big pitch after pool (when _will_ Ol think up some names!). The pool had nearly dried up - much more civilized. Traversed over pitch to next hole - not the same as pitch, but turned out to be blind - about 12-15m deep. Draught coming out was coming down next aven along & back up this hole. Whilst Wook was bolting, Andy shinned up passage between the 2 holes & found a tube going to another big shaft - looks like something different.

One Hilti split off the nose so the descent above was rather dodgy. Continued traverse - made easy by the power of skyhook. Short 6m pitch at end drops into big space which is top of big pitch. Got down to 1st rebelay before running out of rope & hangers & snapping driver. 12 bolts placed - not a bad day's work. Surveyed out (all of 40m). Good trip - decent bit of cave.

Plenty of draught comes this way so it's looking good, although this pitch seems likely to go down too far (40m+ deep).

Also put 162 spit & tag in on way to cave, put 163 tag & 'VFM 1988' tag (should have had an 'H' on the end but I forgot).

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Wallets on this date:
    2000#10 ['plan']
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    2000#37 ['notes6', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'notes4', 'plan', 'notes5', 'notes3']
    2000#38 ['notes2', 'notes1', 'notes4', 'plan', 'elev', 'notes5', 'notes3']
Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - Steinbrückenhöhle
    1623-40 - Eishöhle: MI pushing
    Loser Plateau - Surface Bashing
    40 - Eishöhle
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