204 - Steinbrückenhöhle surveying

Wed 04 Aug 1999
Nick Proctor

Went to survey lots of passage and push the pitch rigged on the previous trip. Team efficient consisted of Nick making up the numbers, Julia converting them to illegible scrawl and Salvador on pictures - seemed to work quite well. Pushed a couple of leads - the airy traverse over the hole in the floor was airy and led to not much more cave. Julia scrotted over a boulder choke and found some really tight horrible stuff. At this point, sense prevailed and we went to do the pitch, to find Duncan's calling card at the bottom - a Tunnocks Bar Wrapper. Mick and Duncan had gone down a parallel shaft and beaten us to it. More stomping passageway and phreatic tube-type stuff. Did a bit more surveying then got bored and came out. 1st pitch is jolly awkward. Good trip.

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    204 - Steinbrückenhöhle surveying
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