161 - IB, where else?

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place: 161

Sat 20 Jul 1996    Sun 21 Jul 1996

Brian Outram Thu 18 Jul 1996 Mon 22 Jul 1996
Nick Proctor Sat 20 Jul 1996 Tue 23 Jul 1996
Paul Hammond Fri 19 Jul 1996 Mon 22 Jul 1996
Sun 21 Jul 1996
Nick Proctor

Pottered down, surveyed a leg left over from the day before, which was longer than 16m, which was all Anthony had left after he broke yet another tape measure. Put in a bolt, then got cold and fed up and tired (going with Becka the day before had been too much (and her banana)) so I left, leaving Brian & Paul to put in another bolt before following me out.

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Survex files on this date:
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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - IB, where else?
    161 - 5-Ways area
    161 - Bounce Rift - 161d
    161 - Stairway to Hell