161 - Stairway to Hell

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place: 161

Sun 21 Jul 1996    Mon 22 Jul 1996

Chris Densham Sat 20 Jul 1996 Tue 23 Jul 1996
Julian Haines Sat 20 Jul 1996 Mon 22 Jul 1996
Sun 21 Jul 1996
Chris Densham

Delaying tactics having failed, we set off for Stairway to Hell. Surveyed to it, took a long look at it, then turned & fled in horror. CJD finished off aven at drop into Zombie Slime - a downward sloping tube briefly raised hopes but rapidly degenerated. Other route went up for a surprisingly long way without reaching daylight.

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Survex files on this date:
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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - IB, where else?
    161 - 5-Ways area
    161 - Bounce Rift - 161d
    161 - Stairway to Hell