161 - Avoiding Stairway to Hell Pt3.

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place: 161

Sat 20 Jul 1996    Sun 21 Jul 1996

Chris Densham Fri 19 Jul 1996 Sun 21 Jul 1996
Julian Haines Thu 18 Jul 1996 Sun 21 Jul 1996
Sat 20 Jul 1996
Chris Densham

Really did it this time. Pulled a big rock out of Sam's dig - just lots of loose bits to dig out of strongly drafting rift. Looked around the environs - various choked shafts & sections of small phreas on the Vd Schwarzmooskogel side of the surface chasm on the was to 161d. T/U 15mins

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - Interview Blues
    161 - Avoiding Stairway to Hell Pt3.