caves with subdirectories | caves with multiple files | caves with single files

Link to top level troggle_import_root.svx for importing

Caves with subdirectories

264 - dates and explorers

264 PitStopAll TEMP-pre2018only-264 above_sloppy_seconds amalgamation avalancheexperience badattitude belowhiltiaplenty belowhiltiaplenty2 beyonddigdug beyondthunderdome bipedal bipedalpassage bipedalpassage2 bipedalpassage3 bipedalpassage4 bipedalpassage5 cant_stop_bat_country cathedralLC1 cathedralLC2 cathedralchasm cathedralchasm2 caving101 chamber90b consolidation crashmop crushedplumbspitch darkarts darkartsI darkartsII darkartsiii darkartsiv darkartsv darkartsvi deadbatpitch deadbatpitchconn deadbatteryrun digdug dog_end_series dontcomeadigging doublescoop doublescoop2 einundzwanzig entrancepitch1 entrancepitch2 farside fatmanscoop fatmanscoop2 frozennorth frozennorth2 frozennorth3 frozennorth4 galactica gosserwager gosserwager2 gosserwager3 gosserwager4 hilti_nts_bones_pitch hilti_nts_near_bats hilti_nts_near_start hiltiaplenty hiltiaplentychamber hiltiaplentypitch hiltigalactica horizontalentrance icecock icecock2 icecock3 icecockLC1 icecockLC2 imfunckintired keepsongiving leedsbypass leedsbypass2 leedsbypass3 lemoncrapout lemonsnout lemonsnoutrosyringpiece lets_be_appalling liarsbakery longdrop longdrop2 lower_sussex_by_the_sea mysterious_schlag naturalhigh2 northern_straight northhole northhole2 noserock noserock2 nothing2see nothingtosee nothingtosee3 nothingtosee4 oneshotwonder penguinfellatio pitch59b pitpot pitpot2 pitpot3 pointless_dig pointlesssniffing pubicsynthesis rabbitwarrens rabbitwarrenstoeinundzwanzig roommop roomwithaview roomwithaview2 roundabout scrottytubei scrottytubeii secondhand secondwind sloppyseconds1 sloppyseconds2 smashcrashpassage snowhole spanner sponge_chamber sponge_chamber2 sponge_chamber2_Tiny_tube sussex_by_the_sea swingers the_backslash the_mendips tightyorkshireman tinaturnersmerkin turtlehead turtleheadco ulsagrotto underexcitment voyeur watertorture
lower_balkon lower_balkon 2cold2think 2manpower alphanuepsilonupsilonepsilonrhosigmaeta camploop catlitter cerberus charon choked covidcorner custardcavalry custardcavalry2 drunkdrivers earlyknockoff einfach enthusiasm enthusiasm2 enthusiasm3 erechtheion1 erechtheion2 erechtheion3 erechtheion_temp floating_butterfly floodland gorgonslair grendelsmother hangman hangmansdaughter ichfuhlenichts ichthyes ichthyes2 lbbeneaththeboulders lipstickdipstick littleboy littleboyboltclimbs mash mash2 medusasmaze medusasmaze2 medusasmaze3 medusasmaze4 microscopicthunder mongolrally mudslope mudslope2 mush myopia myopia2 naturecalls northernpowerhouse northernpowerhouse2 ntdwyt onedirection pitstop pitstop_2 pitstop_3 pitstop_4 pitstop_5 prangman ramparound rubberman rubbermanstream safencomfortable scoopyloopy sluggish snailtrail suctioncup tamponturnaround tartarus turnbacktime waterhole wheresthemilk youdontknowyourebeautiful youmustbkidding

258 - dates and explorers

258 1 2 258top aboveandbeyond aboveandbeyond2 alphabetsoup anthemusa apfelstrudel arcticangle atobtoc beastTEMPFILE beastsideleads beerandsunshine blindandbroken bobon boomboom bouldersurfer bringontheclowns bringontheclowns2 claytonscockup cleadjackpot climbofthepenguins1 climbofthepenguins2 coldfinger coldfinger2 coldfinger3 coldladyslegs1 corroborate crossword daftchoice daftchoice2 daftchoice3 dampsquib darkfumblings delicious1 delicious2 determination determination2 downgrade downtoearth downtoearth2 dubiouspleasure ducksonice fallempire feckingtight flapjackchoke flashhard flashhard2 flyinghigh flyinghigh2 flyinghigh3 flyinghigh4 flyinghigh5 franklyfreezing franklyfreezing2 gawbypass generalscrot gknodel goodygoody gravityalwayswins grikeexpectations hastespeed hedonismhighway iceflow inferno innerflapcontinuation intothinair itsbehindyou justforalaugh justforalaugh2 justforalaugh3 konigsberg2 konigsberg3 konigsberg4 konigsberg5 konigsbergpassage letsgetnaked literalnorth literalnorth2 literalnorth3 literalnorth4 literalnorth5 loompah magicglue marchofthepenguins marconianempire1 maxpleasure1 maxpleasure2 maxpleasure3 maxpleasure4 maxpleasure5 maxpleasure6 naughtynaughty naughtynaughty2 nochoiceatall nochoiceatall2 not_the_beast numberofthebeast numberofthebeast2 oompah oompharift pantinsales penguinacrobatics penguinfellatio2 penguinrift pigeondroppings pigeondroppings2 pigeondroppings3 popcornrift procrastination rampant ribsknodel ribsknodel2 riggermortis rockyroad sauerkraut skrautlink sleepingbeauty sovein sovein2 sovein3 squirrel stomachulsa stomachulsa2 straightchoice straightchoiceexposed stringtheory suicidalvampyre surfergirl tagbolts tenthousandbusstops thatsthewaytodoit thebeastloop thewrongchoice thinredline thinredline2 thirtyninesteps thirtyninesteps2 thirtyninesteps3 thirtyninesteps4 toomuch trident trident2 trireme usualsuspects usualsuspects4 usualsuspects5 usualsuspects6 westsidestory whatwouldyourmothersay window withintheabove wrongway
hydra hydra bahamastunnel beckoning_silence biglad dontstopmenow gryke-of-the-earth hipstersreturn indianropetrick kippercock kraken livingthedream lobsterpot lower_snakebite mastercave papawpassage radiosilence raisinhell screamer scum2 scumoftheearth slackers slackers2 slackers3 slackers4 slackers5 slackers6 slackers7 slackerstidyup1 slackerstidyup2 snakecharmer snakecharmer2 snakecharmer3 songoftheearth tentacle theloserlido therestherub unfathomablestupidity wrongcustard
stonemonkey stonemonkey stonemonkey2 stonemonkey3 stonemonkey4 stonemonkey5 stonemonkey6 stonemonkey7 stonemonkey8 stonemonkey9 stonemonkeyall stonemonkeyallnobble

204 - dates and explorers

nearend nearend atob deathglory ent junction kidney kingcarbide link pretty stitchthis updip
subway subway apocalypse morningtoncrescent thetube thetube2 thetube3 thetube4
swings allswings 05-9cQMkilling crestarun entg enth enti ermintrude ermintrude2 highhopes highhopes2 highhopes3 highhopeslink juicybits merrygoround merrygoround2 merrygoround3 piledriver playground prettybits swings2 swings3 swings4 swings5 swings6 swings7 swings8 swings9 toothless trapeze ubantu ubantu2 ubantu3 ubantu4 ubantu5 zebedee
midlevel midlevel 110_bidet 110_bidet_b 110aday 110aday2 BoulderChamber BoulderChamber_upper aday2bidet bigboulders botofwolpertinger1 botofwolpertinger2 catflap catflap2 catflap3 catflea catgut cirquedusoleil dogdays dogdays2 dogdays3 downfrombigboulderchamber farfromsupport fatcat fatcat2 fatcat3 marble_run merry ontheprowl paintedlady pendulum phat2 phreatic pretzelpassage1 pretzelpassage2 pussinbolts pussyprance pussyprance2 pussyriot rainbow recycled snowleopard somethingelse theowlandthepussycat upat45deg upat45deg2 veined veined_deadend
rhino allrhino 21boltsalute belief beyondbelief beyondbelief2 beyondbelief3 crimper faith grater hangingontofaith hollow nonconformism onamission onamission2 onamission3 ratbiscuit rhinorift rhinorift2 rhinorift3 roundtrip shanks spittersend swallowhard takingthepiss unconformity unconformity2 uncrimped watnobutcombe wotnoconnection
deepsouth allrazor ariston1 ariston2 crouching entertheflagon fledermaus kiwisuit razor1 razor10 razor11 razor12 razor2 razor3 razor4 razor5 razor6 razor7 razor8 razor9 silkroad silkroad2 silkworm
subsoil allsubsoil apocalypsenow birdonawire birdonawire2 chimney earthenware earthenware2 earthenware3 fatworm fatworm2 fatworm3 granddayout granddayout2 granddayout3 hardware hardware_QM04-38b hardware_QM04-43a heavilysoiled hippocratic hippocratic2 hippohollows nightsoil software software2 software3 someware stupidhole stupidhole2 stupidhole3 subsoil2 thinrift wareforartthou wareforartthou2 whereoware whereoware2 whereoware3 whereoware4 whereoware5
gaffered allgaffered blackmaria dangerous dangly eeyore gardenersworld interesting kanga mudslope not oxtailoxbow plan poohstyx poohstyx2 shprinkles sirens sirens2 slimy1 slimy2 terrafirma terrafirma2 trihang uppertube
domes allroads loop22 micturation millennium obese phat pleasuredome
convenience allconvenience cakes channelfive1 channelfive2 crapper1 crapper2 crapper3 engaged shit sltr worry
trunk trunk 11sr appendix backpassage bonsai colonade crowningglory crowningglory2 crowningglory3 csballs dontstep drillingdelight dutchelm dutchelm2 fblink fingerbang flopsy gknodel godonlyknows goesser goesser2 goesser3 goodvibrations greatoak greatoak2 helterdig helterskelter insig insig2 insig2rhino moreballs noodnoodles nopainnogain pingu pingu2 pingu3 riverdance riverdance2 riverdance3 root sandpit sandpit2 sandpit3 scroat stageleft sucker swisscheese tree15c tree2glory treeslope treeumphant twiglets wetdry wotnosurvey

161 - dates and explorers

north allnth 3wisemen 6milebottom anglia bearbum blownout bored bundestrasse burble chocolateloops clearas dehy direstraits fallingspike fbitw flapjack flatbatt forgetmenot further gob holeycow ironyoftime larchenrepublic logic mendip midnight mordor naturalway naturalway2 oldmen oldmenleft oldmensouth pipeless polkadot popcorn psychost qualitybelays runnelnorth satansitter sauron sep siberia sofaraway soilathon soilchute solidrock stables toomuch wellypopper yapate
top alltop entrance oldp2 snot
lhr alllhr ambi arrow drunk gparty lhroute powerstn ragnarok
triassic alltrias altuni chaos chosspot eaunat fcr fogies henricat hymen intrview keinzimm lostworl magicjum ovflow palace scorchio snug tapeworm teapot
rhr allrhr bladerun chunnel deepslp doubting dreamtme gnome nights notwhat olympus oral pitpend pog revenge splat tblocks vesta
france allfr adrian algeria bisfac browni btoc iidriv irrig missip orient regurg rocky room sultans toplo vertfran
phumour allphs 161g 161h asturias catshfts catwoman deadbats iceland loopy natural pudding shaftmin thighs turkey venereal wheretwb

145 - dates and explorers

145cucc 145cucc part1 part2 part3 part3to4 part4 part5
resurvey2005 145-2005

144 - dates and explorers

144 144ein 144fix 144horiz 144verb America ElfUhr Meander ausdruck cuccrest entlink fixedpts gang me2
arge 144ein 144verb cuccrest fixedpts
cucc 144 144fix 144main 144r 144to41 entlink fixedpts
drucken 144 144ein 144fix 144horiz 144main 144r 144to41 144verb cuccrest entlink fixedpts

142 - dates and explorers

cucc cucc142

136 - dates and explorers

136 136-correct ents footconn forbiden gravel main
chile chile aven aven2 breeze carpetworld damnpit left2route leftroute lostspce oatso ovrshoot pebbled runnyb watershoot windybot

115 - dates and explorers

115 115eing 115haupt 115rest babylon babywind commando confluence dartford entlink fixedpts koelndom nebukad nutzlos purgatory zeitvertreib
cucc cu115 115ent 115mid 115top 12foot bypass commando confluence futility orgasm phreas purgatory stream

113 - dates and explorers

113 eisschacht haupt oper saunagang sumpf
cucc cucc113 iperilous muesli point5 purple

40 - dates and explorers

40 40alt 40arge 40cucc
arge direktabstieg eingangalteeishoehle elefantengang expressfinish flusstunnel franzosenbiwak gluehwuermchen gruenereingang hanspfandlhalle helmandul koenigsschacht niete schneeschacht schotterland silbercanyon thalhammer2 thalhammerhalle tiefergang wahnsinnscanyon wahnsinnsschaechte wanderer
old eismain eissvh spinne
cucc 40h mission mission5 nmanip oldnew oldway plastic

Caves of multiple files

Dates and explorersSurvex files
2015-dl-02 1 - 2 3a 3b 3c gmh
2012-ns-01 2012-ns-01 - 2012-ns-01-2022
323 323 - amphitheatre frozenunknown
318 318 - fartichoke thetouchofdeath
317 317 - 2023-ft-02-part1 2023-ft-02-part2 2023-ft-02-part3 2023-ft-02-part4
315 315 - 2023-jss-01_trip1 2023-jss-01_trip2
295 295 - keinwassermelone
291 291 - couldashouldawoulda couldashouldawoulda_to_bathdodgersbypass defyinggravity defyinggravityapproach dentb dentrance gsh4 gshclimb riftpiece
290 290 - 12monkeys 4dayweekend apismedicus bavariangentian belownick bigbastard blitzen blitzen_to_liquidluck blower bubble_baby_benign_bypass_bypass canyon captaincrunch channelnumber2 clapmypitchup claw_crane claw_crane2 cocoa_channel coconut_crab_walk coconutchamber1 coconutchamber2 coconutchamber3 coconutshy copredy_fair csj delicatesteve dentelledecaca doubleglazing electric_toothbrush entranceseries european_federalists fishface1-part1 fishface1-part2 fishface2 fivemoose flaque_verte flitterwolken freeatticflys gardeningschl gerbil_hole getrifty horrorbank icytube imputation_bias kcc keanubreeze kreshconnectionconfusion kreshconnections kublakhan kublakhan2 kublakhan3 kublakhan4 miraclemaze1 miraclemaze2 moths2 mourningthemoths mudandbrot muddy_goons muddy_goons_2 niceriftbadsound nicolascage perseid perseidshowers pickingbalconysnostril pushderig redfishbluefish redlight rubblerumble rubblerumble2 rubblerumble3 sciencevsfun sesamestreet silverback_scoop stalagtiteloop tastefulnoods_to_master theophilus_goon theophilus_goon_returns theophilus_goon_returns_2 toto_to_crystalcrumble twowettwotight ulysses_to_colericchamber ulysses_to_toto wetpitch windytube wipingbalconysarse
289 289 - dirtysnow hopeless nervousbreakdown solidrock solidrocks
288 288 - purplelupine purplelupine2
283 283 - organ_entrance organfake
277 277 - badforecastthree entrance gardeningshoots thirdentrance
272 272 - bullet1 bullet2 bullet3
271 271 - ngauruhoe
248 248 - 248-1 248-2
244 244 - gravity skinny
239 239 - AScooped
238 238 - 238-cv
234 234 - flashgun flatulence flatulence2 lastchancesaloon lefthand limopit mercurialsuppository monster monstermunch monstermunch2 passage pie piersquared qm05-05c rubella slapperpinkpot sourtaste spitswallow trunk underhand weeweeland wowoland youshouldhaveneverletmebegin
233 233 - nachbarschacht
232 232 - griess pille
231 231 - traun
182 182 - amnesia brutefor claustro dottodot ent2 entrance overshel piezo piezo2 quark strike2 sump yorkrip yorktop
171 171 - 171_lower 171_upper
162 162 - 162-correct main
158 158 - 158altundneu 158old bigberta endless fruttidelmare glockenspiel hartheim hartheim2 lasvegas nagellackentferner porzellanladen queromat quotenneuland
152 152 - bananacon bananamain
148 148 - 148old
147 147 - 147old
143 143 - 143old brauner canyon doppelrohr flammen hades haupt hdp iqcanyon kuhwiese rampe rutsche soich sophy troja
110 110 - notakittensheckschance
107 107 - 0730 0801 0805 0810 0814 161connection alcovepop antigrav beepless cairnpitch china coldest doublebeep ent entcleads envelope ext fake fudgedup hrv landofconfusion lasttsa locoxbows locside nippeddown notwindow oldrift oldriftconn oldroute poppedacross ropefree ropeless ropelesshole sleepless smoothbottom tubular unnamed wiggly wonderland
88 88 - fixedpts lerche1 sophy
87 87 - 87-cucc
82 82 - 82_2007 82_2012 82to85 blind
81 81 - 81more
78 allkaese - 78fix augsburg bartl bayberg comeback e2 eisdom eisscha entlink fetzig fixedpts forsten fossimea galakt haupt highway igramul keller nasse parallel rausch schlepp schnaps schwadom spazier standard steinbl stgneu verloren
76 76 - 99 atomic batman bent bitter boil2 boil3 boiling brave brave2 brave3 brave4 brave5 brave6 brave7 brave8 brave9 choss electric_lower electric_upper entrance fiesta holes hotgk hotgkpitch keg loopy lovers noways pancake pitch pleasant rift saved spent strange stranger tap tap2 taprift waste
41 41 - abstieg alice alice-umgehung basic bigchamber blakwite bonsai bus diaet din doplbodn e142 e41 edelmean entlink entlueft extblatt extradin fixedpts german germanrt glueck jade lampntot manhattn megalo mond morphan oktar platte rampe roehre rondos runway schlittenhang seiteng stachelfalle steinsch stream tincan treppe verhall wdr wetnwild
32 32 - forever links main verteilerhalle
31 31 - elchalt
rentner rentner - deinhoch eisenbahntunnel kartenhaus mondmilchcanyon redbullroehre rentner-1 rentner-1-14 rentner-1-14-45 rentner-1-14-45-16 schmuckkasten schwarzesmonster schwingerclub spiegeltor
361 361 - 1 2 210801-huebel1 210802-huebel1 210802-huebel2 210803-huebel1 210803-huebel2 3 4 5
359 359 - 2ndcoming 4th_pitch_tube alpine_showers alpine_waterfall belowradagast belowradagast2 bleadatbest brandywine_overpass cawodydd_cachlyd cowlick entrance_to_radagast eyeofsauron flowstone_canyon flowstone_canyon2 goldengoose goose_box grommit_to_sumps heifer hobnob3 hobnob_hallway hobnob_hallway_2 iron_henry lassitude_canyon myfavouritethings paradise_lost peculiarpot portcullispassage propane_nightmares radagast_to_grommit rhyw_ogof rivendell salamander_queen simple_pleasures simplepleasures2 snagged_and_shagged spoon_passage sticky_trigger strained_by_gravity swiss_german the_sound_of_water watershed welshengineering wilfully
354 354 - gang1 gang2 gang3 gang4 gang5
55 55 - 55-second-dataset
5 5 - 5-cucc
loutoti-01 ISS - LT-Castamere LT-Clemens LT-Eingang LT-Franzosenrutsche LT-Haloroehre LT-Hauptgang LT-Horizont LT-Krake LT-Labyrinth LT-Mikadorampe LT-RM LT-Rampe LT-Schwabenlaendle LT-Spiderman LT-VW LT-hintenoben loutoti monstercanyon

Caves of one file

2024-DM-01 2024-jc-01 2024-nd-01 2023-ft-01 2023-mg-03 2018-ntu-02 2018-aa-01 2018-pf-01 2018-pf-02 2015-dl-01 2014-BL888 2014-BL8882 antsinyourpants 2012-hw-01 2012-js-01 2012-ns-02 2012-ns-03 2012-ns-05 2012-ns-06 2012-ns-07 2012-ns-08 2012-ns-09 2012-ns-10 2012-ns-12 2012-ns-14 2012-ns-15 2010-02 2010-04 2010-06 2010-07 2009-01 2009-02 2009-03 2007-04 2007-05 2007-06 2007-07 2007-12 2007-70 2007-72 2007-NEU-01 2006-06 2006-70 2006-71 2006-72 2006-73 2005-01 2005-92 2005-93 2005-94 2005-95 2005-96 2005-99 2004-08 2004-10 2004-14 2004-18 2002-06 2002-07 2002-08 2002-ad-03 2002-ad-04 2002-w-02 2001-02 2001-03 322 321 320 319 316 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 306 305 304 303 298 297 296 294 293 292 287 286 285 281 274 273 270 269 268 267 263 262 261 260 257 256 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 247 246 245 243 242 241 240 229 228 225 220 216 215 209 208 207 206 205 203 202 201 200 199 196 195 193 185 183 176 175 174 172 163 157 140 139 138 135 131 116 108 105 103 101 99ob02 97 96 91 90 83 71 18 B4 blaubeer gassischacht haldenloch jutta quarriesd 2024-pb-01 2023-BL-09 2023-BZ-01 368 275 274 272 271 270 269 268 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 257 255 254 253 252 251 250 246 245 244 242 241 240 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 207 205 203 202 200 199 197 189 188 187 185 184 181 164 155 154 120 118 114 111 107 106 102 101 89 83 71 70 63 52 50 49 46 40 33 29 27 16 13 10 9 8 7 3 2 e02 e09 e16 e28 LA11 LA12 LA34 casino upside-down 215 214 206 198 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 183 182 180 179 178 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 155 154 153 152 151 150 148 147 145 144 143 142 141 138 137 136 135 133 132 131 130 126 125 124 122 121 120 108 106 101 100 99 98 28 22 21 20 1 798 796 742 739 738 737 736 734 729 706 703 702