Survex File: caves-1623/289/hopeless
No differences from last saved file.
cave primary survexfile caves-1623/289/289.svx
directory primary survexfile caves-1623/289/289
block hopeless has parent block 289 (in file caves-1623/289/289.svx)
2016-07-16 ['hopeless']
Survex files on this date:caves-1623/289/hopeless
Wallets on this date:
2016#36 Dont Stop me Now ['elev02', 'plan02', 'notes02', 'plan01', 'notes01', 'elev01']
2016#37 Stone Monkey Description ['desc2', 'desc1']
2016#57 Hopeless ['16jb01_lower-1s', 'hopeless-drawnup-plan', '16jb01_lower', '16jb01_lower-1p',…
Logbook trips on this date:
Tunnocks - Champagne on Ice
Kraken Camp - pushing Song of the Earth (258)
2016-JB-01 Hopeless
Balcony - Hilti-a-Plenty
Tunnocks - Champagne on Ice derig