Survex File: caves-1623/40/arge/flusstunnel
No differences from last saved file.
cave primary survexfile caves-1623/40/40.svx
directory primary survexfile caves-1623/40/arge/elefantengang
block flusstunnel has parent block 40 (in file caves-1623/40/40.svx)
2015-08-10 ['flusstunnel']
Survex files on this date:caves-1623/40/arge/flusstunnel
Wallets on this date:
2015#70 ['notes', 'plan']
2015#75 Traverse in March of the Penguins - Penguin Fellatio 2 ['notes2', 'notes1', 'elev2', 'elev1', 'plan1']
2015#76 D+D06 ['notes2', 'notes']
Logbook trips on this date:
Balkonhöhle - Lost Surveyor(?) pitches