Survex File: caves-1623/161/triassic/palace

No differences from last saved file.

underground survey length: 74.14 metres
cave primary survexfile caves-1623/161/161.svx
directory primary survexfile caves-1623/161/triassic/alltrias
block palace has parent block 161 (in file caves-1623/161/161.svx)
1996-07-18 ['palace'] Survex files on this date:
No wallets files found for this date.
Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - Touristing + picking up gear
    161 - Interview Blues
    161 - Finishing Henri's Cat
    161 - Push/Survey QM 95-34 (rift by Ring Piece Junction)
    161 - Pitch in Genital wart
    plateau, 195, 194, 76a, 164, 189, B11, B8, B80 - Surface findings
    161 - Trying to avoid 'Stairway to Hell' Part 1