Survex File: caves-1623/264/lower_balkon/covidcorner

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No differences from last saved file.

underground survey length: 104.02 metres
cave primary survexfile caves-1623/264/264.svx
directory primary survexfile caves-1623/264/lower_balkon/lower_balkon
block covidcorner has parent block lower_balkon (in file caves-1623/264/lower_balkon/lower_balkon.svx)
2022-08-15 ['covidcorner'] Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2022#45 ['plan', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'elev1', 'elev2']
    2022#47 Perseid ['plan', 'notes2', 'big_bastard_just_rigging', 'notes1', 'elev1', 'notes3', 'no…
Logbook trips on this date:
    Fischgesicht - Connecting the Kresh Connection 2
    Balkonhöhle - Camping trip at Pitstop pushing Southern & Northern Pitstop
    Fischgesicht - Perseid (ex - Big Bastard)
    Plateau - Surface Prospecting between Balkonhöle and Griesskogelschacht
    Expo - Jonty: visual storyteller
    Expo - Jonty: concoction
    Fischgesicht - Connecting fishface to happy butterfly
    Expo - expedition glossary
    Plateau - "interesting" holes
    Balkonhöhle - Camp trip down Balkonhöhle
    Balkonhöhle - First and last of the 2022 Balkon camps – Part 2a