Survex File: caves-1623/161/north/toomuch

No differences from last saved file.

underground survey length: 228.64 metres
cave primary survexfile caves-1623/161/161.svx
directory primary survexfile caves-1623/161/north/allnth
block pt1 has parent block toomuch (in file caves-1623/161/north/toomuch.svx)
block pt2 has parent block toomuch (in file caves-1623/161/north/toomuch.svx)
1990-07-19 ['pt1'] Survex files on this date:
No wallets files found for this date.
Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - Push + survey Julian's route off Flapjack
    161 - Dreamtime - surveying and re-rigging trip
1990-07-22 ['pt2'] Survex files on this date:
No wallets files found for this date.
Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - Finishing off Too much too soon
    161 - TRIP BEFORE finishing off 'too far too soon'
    161 - Laying the coax (fnaar)