go down drunk + stupid

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Tue 15 Aug 1989    Wed 16 Aug 1989

Del Robinson Mon 14 Aug 1989 Sun 20 Aug 1989
Juliette Kelly Mon 14 Aug 1989 Sun 20 Aug 1989
Tue 15 Aug 1989
Juliette Kelly

Carefully leaving the rope on the surface - they descended. Restart.....

Surveying happened. Down to the pushing front, where are the spits ? Oh no - it is a carbide container, well done Del ! So we sat around for some time until I begin to refill my carbide with spits.

This couple makes - 'two wrongs = right' Del brought carbide thinking it was spits + myself vica versa. So the bolt went in + we went out.

9½ hours

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Logbook trips on this date:
    Push-Survey 161 RH Route (12h)
    Push 161 beyond Flapjack
    go down drunk + stupid