Push 161 beyond Flapjack

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Tue 15 Aug 1989    Tue 15 Aug 1989

Joe Lenartowicz Wed 16 Aug 1989
Pete Lancaster Sun 20 Aug 1989
Tue 15 Aug 1989
Pete Lancaster

Started 4pm, descending to meet previous party coming out at Knossos. Flapjack pitch(es) give nice descent but there are LOTS OF RUBS. Care ! Last belay into wet part very awkward on return - can it be rerigged to left out of water ? Water sinks through boulders to canyon reached a bit further down passage. We rigged this (4m) and followed narrow descending canyon which suddenly drops through squeeze above enormous shaft (could rig from here but not worth it because of water). Back to _top_ of 4m pitch - traverse onwards at this height (small climb over 2m wall) over stream canyon and eventually over huge pitch. CARE ! brittle rock, greasy mud and loose sand. Bat skeleton found at "Bat Corner" (Mind). Traverse continues over another hole to 30m? pitch in narrow rift ending at a superb window over a clear 4 secs (70-80m??) drop. Good take off for a free hang well away from water. Interesting to note that this series trends roughly due west, whereas Knossos is NE of squeeze pitch, so we are returning towards the peak. Long slow trek out to a fine hot sunny welcome at 8AM.

Time underground 16 hours

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Logbook trips on this date:
    Push-Survey 161 RH Route (12h)
    Push 161 beyond Flapjack
    go down drunk + stupid