Account short name: basecamp
Number of transactions: 85
Negative amounts indicate that Basecamp is indebted to a creditor.
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Creditor/Debtor | Amount | Description |
2016-06-03 | Elliot Smith | -17.09 | sesh and beir book |
2016-06-16 | Olly Betts | -15.71 (-18.93 EURO) | food |
2016-06-19 | Ashley Gregg | -3.93 (-4.74 EURO) | food |
2016-06-20 | Hayden Saunders | -87.28 (-105.16 EURO) | food |
2016-06-20 | Hayden Saunders | -34.12 (-41.12 EURO) | food |
2016-06-23 | Sioned Haugton | -25.31 (-30.50 EURO) | food |
2016-06-23 | Sioned Haugton | -34.96 (-42.13 EURO) | food |
2016-06-24 | Jenny Black | -75.30 (-90.73 EURO) | food and phone top up |
2016-06-24 | Julia Day | -65.49 (-78.91 EURO) | food |
2016-06-25 | Olly Betts | -66.51 (-80.14 EURO) | food |
2016-06-27 | Frank Tully | -34.10 (-41.09 EURO) | food |
2016-06-27 | Julia Day | -36.32 (-43.76 EURO) | food |
2016-06-27 | Julia Day | -9.87 (-11.90 EURO) | food |
2016-06-27 | Julia Day | -46.81 (-56.40 EURO) | gas |
2016-06-29 | Jenny Black | -89.48 (-107.81 EURO) | food and beer |
2016-06-30 | Jenny Black | -11.26 (-13.57 EURO) | food |
2016-07-01 | Chris Densham | -105.41 (-127.00 EURO) | food |
2016-07-01 | Julia Day | -34.42 (-41.47 EURO) | food |
2016-07-02 | Frank Tully | -117.92 (-142.08 EURO) | food |
2016-07-04 | Anthony Day | -140.90 (-169.76 EURO) | food |
2016-07-05 | Jenny Black | -39.50 (-47.60 EURO) | food |
2016-07-11 | Mark Dougherty | -44.43 (-53.54 EURO) | food |
2016-07-12 | Anthony Day | -131.12 (-157.98 EURO) | food |
2016-07-13 | Mark Dougherty | -164.04 (-197.64 EURO) | food |
2016-07-14 | Martin Green | -59.22 (-71.35 EURO) | food |
2016-07-14 | Martin Green | -1.64 (-1.98 EURO) | food |
2016-07-15 | Anthony Day | -27.18 (-32.75 EURO) | food |
2016-07-16 | Alice Smith | -6.59 (-7.95 EURO) | food |
2016-07-16 | Ian Peachey | -87.98 (-106.00 EURO) | food |
2016-07-16 | Katey Bender | -83.00 (-100.00 EURO) | camp bill |
2016-07-16 | Mark Dougherty | -14.06 (-16.94 EURO) | food |
2016-07-16 | Martin Green | -14.06 (-16.94 EURO) | food |
2016-07-16 | Michael Sargent | -5.79 (-6.98 EURO) | tea |
2016-07-18 | Anthony Day | -42.33 (-51.00 EURO) | food |
2016-07-18 | David Walker | -39.02 (-47.02 EURO) | food |
2016-07-19 | Luke Strangroom | -207.50 (-250.00 EURO) | campbill |
2016-07-19 | Martin Green | -1150.96 (-1386.71 EURO) | camp bill |
2016-07-20 | Martin Green | -18.40 (-22.17 EURO) | food |
2016-07-21 | Katey Bender | -113.69 (-136.98 EURO) | food |
2016-07-23 | Elaine Oliver | -23.60 (-28.44 EURO) | beer |
2016-07-23 | Ian Peachey | -124.50 (-150.00 EURO) | camp bill |
2016-07-23 | Olly Betts | -55.81 (-67.25 EURO) | food |
2016-07-24 | Jenny Black | -207.50 (-250.00 EURO) | camp bill |
2016-07-25 | Mark Dougherty | -6.90 (-8.32 EURO) | food |
2016-07-25 | Mark Dougherty | -2.49 (-3.00 EURO) | washing tea towels |
2016-07-25 | Mark Dougherty | -19.92 (-24.00 EURO) | beer |
2016-07-28 | Adam Henry | -19.92 (-24.01 EURO) | food |
2016-07-29 | Ashley Gregg | -332.00 (-400.00 EURO) | camp bill |
2016-07-29 | Elliot Smith | -207.50 (-250.00 EURO) | campbill |
2016-07-29 | Michael Sargent | -332.00 (-400.00 EURO) | camp bill |
2016-08-11 | Beer | 766.09 (923.00 beers) | total number of beers |
2016-08-11 | Limo | 78.85 (95.00 limos) | total number of limos |
2016-11-13 | Aidan Marks | 68.49 | 6/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Alice Smith | 57.07 | 5/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Andrew Atkinson | 125.56 | 11/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Anthony Day | 205.47 | 18/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Ashley Gregg | 216.89 | 19/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Becka Lawson | 102.73 | 9/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Chris Densham | 91.32 | 8/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | David Walker | 194.06 | 17/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Elaine Oliver | 68.49 | 6/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Elliot Smith | 228.30 | 20/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Fleur Loveridge | 57.07 | 5/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Frank Tully | 91.32 | 8/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | George Breley | 68.49 | 6/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Hayden Saunders | 148.39 | 13/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Ian Peachey | 91.32 | 8/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Jenny Black | 182.64 | 16/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Julia Day | 114.15 | 10/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Julian Todd | 216.89 | 19/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Katey Bender | 125.56 | 11/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Luke Strangroom | 68.49 | 6/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Mark Dougherty | 182.64 | 16/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Mark Shinwell | 68.49 | 6/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Martin Green | 114.15 | 10/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Michael Sargent | 102.73 | 9/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Nat Dalton | 102.73 | 9/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Nathan Walker | 91.32 | 8/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Olly Betts | 182.64 | 16/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Pete Talling | 57.07 | 5/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Rob Watson | 79.90 | 7/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Roshni Gohil | 79.90 | 7/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Sioned Haugton | 125.56 | 11/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
2016-11-13 | Wookey | 0.17 | Unlucky: arithmetic error from basecamp split |
2016-11-13 | Wookey | 79.90 | 7/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90) |
Income: | 4634.84 | ||
Expenditure: | 4634.84 | ||
Grand total: | 0.00 |
Processed at 13:00 on 2016-11-13.