Elliot Smith

Account short name: ElliotSmith
Number of transactions: 27

Negative amounts indicate that Elliot Smith is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2016-06-03Basecamp 17.09sesh and beir book
2016-06-15Topcamp 28.20flapjack ingredients
2016-06-18Travel 61.33 (73.90 EURO)fuel
2016-07-08Sesh11 67.23 (81.00 EURO)sesh11
2016-07-09Travel 24.90 (30.00 EURO)fuel
2016-07-23Elaine Oliver -3.47 (-4.19 EURO)ice cream
2016-07-23Elaine Oliver -9.13 (-11.00 EURO)swimming
2016-07-23Katey Bender 4.15 (5.00 EURO)sauna
2016-07-23Topcamp 49.80 (60.00 EURO)toll road
2016-07-29Basecamp 207.50 (250.00 EURO)campbill
2016-07-30Elaine Oliver -10.35 (-12.48 EURO)food
2016-07-31Sesh13 31.70 (38.20 EURO)belgian sesh
2016-11-13Basecamp -228.3020/332 of the total from Basecamp (-3789.90)
2016-11-13Beer -83.00100/923 of the total from Beer (-766.09)
2016-11-13Car Owner Credit -15.001/30 of the total from Car Owner Credit (-450.00)
2016-11-13Gear -34.551/30 of the total from Gear (-1036.56)
2016-11-13Sesh11 -15.8818.90/80.00 of the total from Sesh11 (-67.23)
2016-11-13Sesh12 -13.6316.40/97.90 of the total from Sesh12 (-81.42)
2016-11-13Sesh13 -0.02Unlucky: arithmetic error from sesh13 split
2016-11-13Sesh13 -25.8031.10/78.10 of the total from Sesh13 (-64.81)
2016-11-13Sesh02 -0.03Unlucky: arithmetic error from sesh2 split
2016-11-13Sesh02 -14.3717.14/99.46 of the total from Sesh02 (-83.41)
2016-11-13Sesh03 -24.221/31 of the total from Sesh03 (-751.06)
2016-11-13Sesh09 -21.5125.70/138.90 of the total from Sesh09 (-116.28)
2016-11-13Topcamp -61.5421/378 of the total from Topcamp (-1107.81)
2016-11-13Travel -97.632/24 of the total from Travel (-1171.59)
Grand total:-166.53

Go back to summary sheet.

Processed at 13:00 on 2016-11-13.