Travel to Austria

Account short name: travel-to-austria
Number of transactions: 22

Negative amounts indicate that Travel to Austria is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2010-07-01Frank Tully -80.00Fuel cost missing? FIXME
2010-07-28Mark Shinwell -40.84Fuel at Stansted
2010-07-29Martin Green -87.20Train to Folkestone to meet Mark's car
2010-07-30Becka Lawson and Julian Todd -30.45Diesel
2010-07-30Chris Smith -52.30 (-61.53 EUR)Fuel for Mark's car @ Wiesbaden
2010-07-30Martin Green -51.00 (-60.00 EUR)Fuel for Mark's car in Belgium FIXME
2010-07-30Martin Green -31.93 (-37.57 EUR)Fuel for Mark's car and vignette
2010-07-31Becka Lawson and Julian Todd -41.42 (-48.74 EUR)Diesel
2010-07-31Chris Densham -28.00Diesel (Becka's car)
2010-08-01Martin Jahnke -43.40 (-51.06 EUR)Petrol
2010-08-11Frank Tully -38.84 (-45.70 EUR)Fill up on way at Brussels
2012-03-12Andrew Atkinson 11.170.20/9.40 of the total from Travel to Austria (-525.38)
2012-03-12Andy Chapman 55.891.00/9.40 of the total from Travel to Austria (-525.38)
2012-03-12Becka Lawson and Julian Todd 111.782.00/9.40 of the total from Travel to Austria (-525.38)
2012-03-12Chris Densham 55.891.00/9.40 of the total from Travel to Austria (-525.38)
2012-03-12Chris Smith 55.891.00/9.40 of the total from Travel to Austria (-525.38)
2012-03-12Frank Tully 55.891.00/9.40 of the total from Travel to Austria (-525.38)
2012-03-12Mark Shinwell 55.891.00/9.40 of the total from Travel to Austria (-525.38)
2012-03-12Martin Green 55.891.00/9.40 of the total from Travel to Austria (-525.38)
2012-03-12Martin Jahnke 55.891.00/9.40 of the total from Travel to Austria (-525.38)
2012-03-12Neil Pacey 0.03Unlucky: arithmetic error from travel-to-austria split
2012-03-12Neil Pacey 11.170.20/9.40 of the total from Travel to Austria (-525.38)
Grand total:0.00

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Processed at 21:43 on 2012-03-12.