CUCC Expedition Handbook

Handbook Troggle - Beginners

Intended audience: All cavers who have never seen Troggle.

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Background - why we are doing this

Troggle - Introduction - Why we developed it
Who needs to know What and When (top half of the page only)

Stage I - Basics - The 3 sources of Truth

There are THREE (3) basic sources of data that troggle manages:trips, surveys, raw data:

  1. Open the page Expo 2023 in a new tab in your browser (SLOW on first access).
  2. Scroll down to the second table with 4 columns with headings "Date", Logged trips.." etc.
  3. The important 3 columns are, for each day:
  4. The 4th source of data is the master list of who was on the Expo. This is shown in the top table calendar. The data comes from the folk list.
1623-76 Eislufthöhle
  • If you don't yet understand how expo uses any of the words above, click on the handbook links above and read the explanations.
  • If you are completely puzzled, read the Expo introduction or Cave surveying and data management or Why am I doing this?

    Stage II - How to find a lead

    Stage III - Explore what troggle produces

    Go on to: Troggle intro
    Go on to: Troggle - fixing things when the reports are incoherent
    Return to: Index of all troggle documents