
Account short name: tackle
Number of transactions: 26

Negative amounts indicate that Tackle is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2010-07-24Mark Shinwell -18.70Spits and cones at Bernies
2010-07-24Mark Shinwell -51.00Hangers at Bernies
2010-07-30Martin Green -10.42 (-12.27 EUR)Butt cleaning materials
2010-08-01Martin Green -22.52 (-26.50 EUR)Survey printing
2010-08-01Martin Jahnke -17.44Hilti order 2
2010-08-01Martin Jahnke -41.07Inglesport
2010-08-03Chris Densham -9.43 (-11.10 EUR)String
2010-08-03Martin Jahnke -17.00 (-20.00 EUR)B-Free mobile top up
2010-08-03Martin Jahnke -16.00Dry bag
2010-08-03Martin Jahnke -41.44Hilti order 1
2010-08-05Martin Green -0.73 (-0.86 EUR)Bolts
2010-08-06Martin Jahnke -16.06 (-18.90 EUR)5kg gas (for top camp)
2010-08-12Martin Green -4.24 (-4.99 EUR)A4 paper
2010-08-18Juliet Morse -14.02 (-16.50 EUR)Top camp gas bottle
2012-03-12Andrew Atkinson 17.5814/223 of the total from Tackle (-280.07)
2012-03-12Andy Chapman 26.3721/223 of the total from Tackle (-280.07)
2012-03-12Becka Lawson and Julian Todd 52.7442/223 of the total from Tackle (-280.07)
2012-03-12Chris Densham 26.3721/223 of the total from Tackle (-280.07)
2012-03-12Chris Smith 20.0916/223 of the total from Tackle (-280.07)
2012-03-12Frank Tully 26.3721/223 of the total from Tackle (-280.07)
2012-03-12Juliet Morse 17.5814/223 of the total from Tackle (-280.07)
2012-03-12Mark Shinwell 20.0916/223 of the total from Tackle (-280.07)
2012-03-12Martin Green 20.0916/223 of the total from Tackle (-280.07)
2012-03-12Martin Jahnke 26.3721/223 of the total from Tackle (-280.07)
2012-03-12Neil Pacey 0.05Unlucky: arithmetic error from tackle split
2012-03-12Neil Pacey 26.3721/223 of the total from Tackle (-280.07)
Grand total:0.00

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Processed at 21:43 on 2012-03-12.