204 - Pussyprance, Caterwal

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place: 204

Fri 24 Jul 2009    Fri 24 Jul 2009

Becka Lawson Wed 22 Jul 2009 Sat 25 Jul 2009
Emma Wilson Wed 22 Jul 2009 Sat 25 Jul 2009
Kathryn Hopkins Wed 22 Jul 2009 Sat 25 Jul 2009
Fri 24 Jul 2009
Emma Wilson

Went down 204 and down to Pussyprance. Becka rebolted previous climb down as pitch and rigged 'Catflap pitch'. Kathryn and I bolted pitch QM 08-4A - traverse round the top of pitch then straight hang down (rigging guide will be drawn on a subsequent page). Pitch was ~20m and nicely shaped. At bottom way on to the right led straight to small chamber with no way on. Back at the foot of pitch was was also tight slot with two small windows. Tight slot led to small but less tight winding rift, with widest part approximately half way up. This led to a short drop of a fewe metres that needed rigging. Pitch was fairly small. This was followed shortly by another pitch that was less than 10m, Bolted Y hang and dropped pitch. Passage opened out at pitch anhd pitch was again nicely shaped. After pitch a few metres on was another drop. Hand run out of rope by then. Pitch looked reasonably small but passage appeared to continue afterwards (QM B).

[rigging guide]

T/U 10 hrs

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    2009#01 ['notes1', 'plan', 'notes2', 'elev']
    2009#02 []
Logbook trips on this date:
    Tunnockschacht - Stone Monkey
    204 - Pussyprance, Caterwal
    Tunnocks - Usual Suspects Pitch