Cave 2002-04 - 2004-04 = Tröpfelnhöhle (Dripping Cave)
Tue 29 Jul 2003
Julia Day
Julia Day
Did a surface survey to link 204C tag bolt in, then went to
survey Tröpfelnhöhle (so called because the surveyors got
thoroughly dirpped on in their dry (ha!) grots). Chucked a ladder
down it, this was just long enough to get down the 4m pitch at the
bottom, there are a couple of small passages off the bottom of this
pitch which are full of rocks. That's it really.
[In different colour pen and noticeably less
legible]There might be giants, or worse!
I should do more caving, caving is nice, but I never quite get
round to it. I want to go to Hauchhöhle and nobody else does
everybody likes pitches.
T/U ??