Loser Plateau - Finding tent spaces + surface wandering
Julia Day
Anthony was buggered following his nails 'ard trip down
Razordance the previous day. So we festered for some time. At 2pm
we were just going to leave and so something useful when some folk
arrived. ARGE were doing a long weekend of prospecting and rekkying
(almost certainly not spelt like that) [indeed not - editor]
something further up. Spent some time with them looking for tent
spaces, then headed for a hole spotted last year near 204c which
turned out to be tagged 2002-04. Martin had kindly compiled a list
of all known caves in the area, 2002-04 was nowhere to be found. I
put a tag in at the pitch head and rigged a ladder. The pitch is
v.short, only 5 metres or so. Down a slippery climb, the whole
passage curves round to the left (it's about 3 metres high, wiht
rocks wedged in at various levels) then stops, a tiny bit of a
crawl starts but isn't even a Wook lead. To the right is a pitch
climb of maybe 4/5 m which I didn't drop as Dour had run away. (It
was raining Ahhh...) Doesn't look very inspiring, but a crawl at
the bottom might carry on. Collected Dour and we did a surface
survey back to 204C. At the moment I've no idea where 2002-04 is,
because 204C has never been linked into the data-set - will go back
and do an underground survey at some point. Treading on bees
doesn't help when you're intending to walk up the hill.