204 - Rigging + survey down Gaffered

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place: 204

Mon 28 Jul 2003    Tue 29 Jul 2003

Becka Lawson Mon 28 Jul 2003 Wed 30 Jul 2003
Martin Green Mon 28 Jul 2003 Wed 30 Jul 2003
Tue 29 Jul 2003
Becka Lawson

I'd promised Martin I'd go down Gaffered today if he did On a Mission yesterday but I wasn't particularly looking forward to it, especially as I'd got miserably damp on the 70m last time as it was raining on the surface. In the event, though, it was a fine trip to a very starnge bit of cave with stunning pretties, best I've seen in Austria I think. Down to top of last pitch that Martin + Earl had rigged to (on their trip - on 26th or 27th?) [Not written up apparently]. I looked at the mud tube (Eeyore) that went off from the bridge - it led, after a a short crawl, to a huge chamber. We surveyed to it then I left Martin there + went down the final pitch into the Underworld + walked around shouting but Martin couldn't hear me so that chamber seems to be separate from the Underworld despite being so close. Then we went to the end of Earl + Martin's previous survey + rigged down Poohstyx (Mark's name!) This dropped 25m in a drippy shaft to end in a flat floor with a v. thin rift going off, cold + small stream running. I clambered up 2-3m up a wall at the bottom of the shaft + looked over - a passage continued on down - perhaps not needing rope but looking wet + sharp + not at all inviting given how cold I was so we consigned it to a B QM and went up the pitch. Martin, ever the keen surveyor, then insisted on looking across the top of the pitch - and yes, that went too. A cold survey ended in a fine aven [There is an asterisk here but apparently the footnote it corresponds to was never written.] via some odd, mud-coated passage + random lumps of ceiling that had landed on the floor. Oh, and bat bones which had been washed donw the cave. All rather strange. Had a little time left so Martin pointed out another unpromising QM which I climbed up into - which emerged in a huge chamber (Sirens) with stunning bright white active stalactites, as well as loads of cauliflower and a couple of exciting-looking potential QMs as well as the usual dull pitches. Finished that survey + I was freezing. Martin fettled the rigging a bit on the way out + I'd just about got warm at the top of Gaffered.

T/U 10hrs

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Wallets on this date:
    2003#16 ['notes4', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'eeyoreextend', 'notes3', 'eeyoreplan', 'sirenseā€¦
    2003#20 ['notes4', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'notes3', 'plan']
    2003#21 ['notes2', 'notes1']
    2003#22 ['notes2', 'notes1']
    2003#34 surface ['notes2', 'notes1']
Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - Rigging + survey down Gaffered
    Cave 2002-04 - 2004-04 = Tröpfelnhöhle (Dripping Cave)