40 - Eishöhle - Plus surface work

Sun 06 Aug 2000
Mark Shinwell

Tagged WK2 & WK3 as '1996, 1623/207' '1996 1623/208' respectively, whilst drying out Mike's kit (Wook's tent leaks and so does his plastic bag).

Then had more tea & went to Eishöhle. Surveyed the 2000-05 ent. with Mike whilst Andy fettled camera gear. Found another small entrance directly above & surveyed to that too (needs tagging). Ol & Mark S arrived (Ol having tried to fall down 40B).

Eventually got underground at 4pm after watching massive thunderstorm off to NE. Photoed Elephant, SVH & Mission Impossible as far as the pool (6" lower than yesterday!)

Ol found bashed knee too bad for caving (got as far as 1st pitch) so he & Mark S surveyed ents on to 40a - which revealed 60m error in old VfHO surface survey, moving potential connection pt. about 50m further up Elin Algor away from the Theatre.

T/U:Wook, Mike:4 hrs
Andy A:3½ hrs
Mark S, Olly:½ hr.

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