136 - 136

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place: 136

Sun 01 Aug 1999    Mon 02 Aug 1999

Jon Telling Wed 04 Aug 1999
Mike Richardson Wed 04 Aug 1999
Sun 01 Aug 1999
Mike Richardson

Returned to finish survey of day before, and look at new leads. Completed survey - most promising lead (trending SE) ends at infilled passage - may be possible to pass with short climb. Otherwise continues along small, narrow, wet 'Darrenesque' crawl. Also investigated passage going in opposite direction (Goo junction) - turns into short, narrow VERY muddy passage, into a squeeze leading to a sump and a very water-filled passage. Not recommended!

T/U: 13½ hrs

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    1999#00 [] ['LISTING']
    1999#02 ['notes6', 'notes2', '1999#40deviantalternative', 'notes1', 'LISTING', 'notes4'…
    1999#04 eisehohle ['notes2', 'notes1', 'LISTING', 'notes4', '1999#40elephantengang', 'notes5', 'n…
    1999#20 Calibration Inst set 2 ['calibration', '1999#calibration', 'LISTING']
Logbook trips on this date:
    40 - Go look in Eishöhle
    40 - Eishöhle
    147 - ReExplore and resurvey 147
    204 - Steinbrückenhöhle
    136 - 136