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place: 161

Sat 24 Jul 1999    Sun 25 Jul 1999

Julian Todd Sun 11 Jul 1999 Mon 26 Jul 1999
Mark Shinwell Wed 21 Jul 1999 Wed 28 Jul 1999
Sun 25 Jul 1999
Mark Shinwell

Went to Black Suspender (see separate report) with Earl & Heather and bimbled on to Mohr im Hend & the Regurgitation Chamber.

Water issues from a fissure S corner and from aven above, lip where water pours into chamber is about 100-120' off floor. Roof is out of sight above this.

On W side is hole in wall, very chossy, with hole on R leading into rift which splits immediately. L to be explored later. R leads to traverse. Traverse @ high level not explored. Bridging down to passage -> one way (doubling back) leads back to Regurg chamber. Other way leads to ~15m pitch down (*), stream at bottom. Straight on "not very promising", left leads to traverse, hole to ~15m pitch. It is believed that the bottom of at least the 2nd pitch of these two (or _possibly_ both) can be reached from the bottom of the pitch (*) [Julian bridged down - difficult climb up]

To be looked at and surveyed later

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - Novice KH Trip
    Loser Plateau - Surface stroll
    136 - 136
    136 - Oatso Simple tourist trip
    1999-01 - Norden Alpen Schacht - Rigging the surface shaft that Brian found on 25/7/99