CUCC Expedition Handbook - Introduction to wallets

Introduction to wallets

What is a Wallet ?

If you already know what a wallet is, go to Creating a New Wallet.

A wallet is a a transparent folder/envelope, also sometimes known as a "pocket", which contains the original muddy survey notes and sketches which were made down the cave on a survey trip.

Original notes (click to enlarge)

The original notes

All the original notes and sketches are all filed in the clearly marked wallet as soon as possible after a survey trip. Rip them out of the notebook, don't take them caving again and don't leave them lying around to be "Gössered" in the hut. Photogrpah them with your phone or scan them witht he flatbed scanner in the hut immediately and upload the scans.

The notes (all of them, including dates, personnel, calibration, LRUD, station details, etc.) should be filed away in the wallet in the current year's surveys binder. You should include a transcription on a sheet of paper if they are illegible (to other people; if you can't read them yourself, go back and do the survey again!). Even if you do this, never throw away the original notes.

After a survey trip, BEFORE you do anything else, make sure that you write, in ink, visibly, the DATE and the name of the CAVE on the first page of the raw notes. And the NAMES of the people on the trip. LEGIBLY please.

What is the Wallet Binder ?

All the wallets for one expo live in a ring-binder which is klept in the potato hut on expo.

wallet index sheet at the front of the binder - click for larger image

The tick-boxes on the index sheet are used to record the progress of the data through the survey production process.

What is an Online Wallet ?

Checkboxes on an online wallet
(click to enlarge)

Every plastic wallet has an online equivalent which is a folder on the server. This holds files which are scans or photographs of the original survey notes.

In addition, every online wallet has a bundle of data which describes the collection of scans (called 'metadata'). This metadata is where we keep online the tickmarks on the index sheet in the wallets binder (see above), the date of the survey trip and the names of who was on it.

Back to the previous page in the New Survey sequence Creating a new wallet in the online system.
Take a side trip to the online wallet maintainers' notes.