Paul Hammond : 1999

337.8 m surveyed this year.

Other years:  | 1996 | 1999

Status of all wallets for Paul Hammond

Table of all trips and surveys aligned by date

July 26, 1999 136 - Carry on to check out the Overrun 136
July 27, 1999 Base Camp - Hydrospeeding Hilde's River Base Camp
July 30, 1999 Loser Plateau - Surface bumbling around 136 etc Loser Plateau
Aug. 1, 1999 40 - Go look in Eishöhle 40 deviant 91.3 m
-- oldway 42.5 m
Aug. 2, 1999 40 - Eishöhle 40 uuaway 60.1 m
Aug. 3, 1999 16.5 m
-- 209 0.0 m
-- 1 0.0 m
-- 2 0.0 m
-- 136shelf 0.0 m
Aug. 5, 1999 40 - Eishöhle 40 eiscream 127.5 m
-- 40 - Eishöhle addendum 40