Balcony Tourists on Independence Day

Mon 04 Jul 2016
Rob Watson

There was no cock to crow for the momentous day of Independence for the country served by K Bender, but fortunately Densham did arise at Dawn to faff impressively before going down to camp. We waited for Elliott to get back from retrieving his thermals before going underground, thus achieving plenty of faff ourselves. Underground by 3pm. We went to Haydons big pitch whilst looking at leads still to be pushed en route. These consist of Natural Highs and Pit Pot mainly, along with possibly something at the end of Bipedal Traverse. We arrived at Haydons big pitch and were impressed. Then a fast team of me, Nathan, Elliott and Katey we on out while Alice, Frank and Peachey took photos. I dropped my tackle bag down a hole and so was duty bound to retrieve it the following day.

T/U: 5 hrs

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    Balcony Tourists on Independence Day
    Tunnocks, 2-night camp