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Mon 27 Jun 2016    Mon 27 Jun 2016

Nat Dalton Sun 26 Jun 2016 Tue 28 Jun 2016
Wookey Mon 04 Jul 2016
Mon 27 Jun 2016
Nat Dalton

Set off to continue rigging down Tunnocks (aiming to carry 2 bags to camp). On the way the one bolt wonder handline before usual suspects was converted (more or less) into a bonafide traverse line. Picked up Krabs, hangers & maillons from bottom of string theory & carried on down procrastination; Wookey rigged number of the beast & we carried on down to magic glue, putting deviations in along the way. Once at magic glue faff ensued with rope misbehaving & getting tangled. Once I was at the bottom, wookey instaled a deviation; having previously dropped Krab/sling down the pitch: "It's a good job we're not climbers or we'd have to retire that", on a spike, bags were left just below magic glue, with a long plod out.

Stuff left: 2 bags of camping stuff, 1 drill, 2 drill bits, 1 battery, blow tube, hammer/setter & hiltis
No drill tackle sack
8 maillions, 6 krabs, 4, hangers, 2 bits of tat

T/U: 11.5 hours
07:00 +1

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