Balkonhöhle - A Room With a View

Thu 07 Aug 2014

Fleur polished up the entrance pitches after the previous day of gardening. We followed the howling gale to reach the 40m pitch reached by Mike & Andrea on 05/08. Pete rigged over the top, "Natural Highs",with his rigging butler providing an ever-increasing rope length (10m replaced by 20m replaced by 40m).

After traversing over 3 pitches we were on terra firma, in substantial passage with leads all around & the sound of drilling above. I shinned up the RH wall into large phreas going up & downstream, which I ambled along upstream until I was able to wave cheerily at Noel & Holly who were dangling on the far side, wondering how to reach the balcony I was beaming out from. We settled for a DistoX "handshake" across the gulf.

Fleur & Pete surveyed the 'Leeds Bypass' while I put some "Unnatural Highs" bolts in (Pete's battery had died hence excessive use of natural protection). Then we surveyed on down-sip along the windy phreas. It just got bigger and bigger - while Pete & Fleur followed the biggest windiest passage I took the frill to a draft phreatic pitch off to the left, left 15m down with a 'Y' hang waiting for someone to come along with another 30m or so of rope to descend it - 'Gardeners Question Time' due to the usual issue of just how much gardening to do. Fleur & Pete returned having reached a traverse that needed rigging. So we took the drill along to the end, passing a dried up stream trench in the floor. The remaining 10m rope took us 2/3 along the traverse in 3 bolts + 1 natural, so a splendid lead for someone to continue into the phreas beyond. 230m in book.

We had a bit of a queue on the ent pitches, meeting up with Mike & Elaine & then Holly & Noel, so we all compared our finds - all going, so smiles all round.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2014#19 LemonSnout ['notes2', 'notes1', 'elev1', 'plan1']
    2014#20 Leeds Bypass ['notes2', 'notes1', 'elev2', 'notes3', 'plan2', 'elev1', 'plan1']
    2014#22 Pitpot2 ['notes1', 'plan2', 'elev1', 'plan1']
Logbook trips on this date:
    Balcony - 2005-05 Balcony Höhle
    Balkonhöhle - A Room With a View
    Balcony Höhle: Traversing + dropping Pit Pot
    Balcony Höhle