204 - Gösser Streamway - Rig push, survey, derig

Sat 04 Aug 2007

Needed an easy trip in order to walk down hill for Trisselwand, so picked a QM on the survey which was interestingly above the huge aven in Hippocratic Oath. QM 06-7A at the end of Goesser Streamway. Also took in a rope to replace 1996 traverse line in Cave Tree Chamber (9mm bit of 2006 red stuff ~15m).

Discovered that top of line was tied to 2 large but loose boulders. One moved 3 feet with a slight touch! Took opportunity to get rare photos of large falling boulder. 2nd shot (boulder) was great. Put in 2 bolts to make it safe, using opportunity to teach John B how to put in drill bolts.

Rigged down - cave is not quite like survey. Actually p3 & p6 after ~4m and then ~p8 after ~12m then ~30m of streamway to final p29. Got to end to find [?bury] bolt on far side of pitch but no back-up bolts / threads / anything. Someone had been very necky. Put in 2 bolts for traverse to pitch (drills are great) and dropped to bottom. Nice winding passage sadly went nowhere: solid rock at one end, deepish (0.6m) pool and impenetrable rift [?inuing king] stream, at the other end. Surveyed (2 legs, ~38m) and derigged and went home with big fat bag of rope.

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