Loser Plateau - Surface bash

Thu 22 Jul 2004

Started out walking to the NE of 204 area until we met the big change in slope overlooking the valley with the Stogerweg at the bottom. Then walked along side of valley until we found two entrances of note: GPSsed, tagged and photographed them.

  • 2004-12: N47° 41' 06.1'' E013° 49' 38.8'
  • 2004-13: N47° 41' 02.0'' E013° 49' 38.7''

Went back via Damoclesschacht.

[Ed: 2004-12 is actually just another entrance to 1623-161. See 2004-08-04e]

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2004#07 ['loversnotes', 'loversextend', 'loversplan']
    2004#09 kanga|Kanga ['kanganotes1', 'kanga_plan_p', 'kangaplanp', 'kanganotes2']
    2004#11 gardenersworld|Gardener"s World ['gardenersnotes1', 'gardenersworld_plan_p', 'gardenersnotes2']
    2004#13 251|In Your Face Cave ['notes4', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'notes3', 'notes5', 'elev', 'plan']
Logbook trips on this date:
    Loser Plateau - Surface bash
    204 - Underworld Push
    234 - Hauchhöhle
    Loser Plateau - Random German
    76 - 76
    2004-11 - In Your Face