2003-02 - (Blaudrachenschact)

Wed 21 Jul 2004

Surveyed to bottom with short rope to investigate rifty hole at base of shaft: it closed down after a 5m climb down through boulders. Went home.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2004#06 razor 8 ['razor8extend', 'razor8notes2', 'razor8plan', 'razor8notes1']
    2004#08 248-2|248 part 2 ['2003-02-elev-all', '2003-02-02notes1', '2003-02-02extend', '2003-02-02notes2']
    2004#14 ['notes2', 'notes1']
Logbook trips on this date:
    Loser Plateau - Surface Prospect
    204 - Gaffered
    99 - 99
    204 - Razor Dance
    2003-02 - (Blaudrachenschact)