2003-02 - (Blaudrachenschact)

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place: 2003-02

Wed 21 Jul 2004    Thu 22 Jul 2004

Brian Mon 19 Jul 2004 Thu 22 Jul 2004
Tony Thu 22 Jul 2004
Wed 21 Jul 2004

Surveyed to bottom with short rope to investigate rifty hole at base of shaft: it closed down after a 5m climb down through boulders. Went home.

Edit this entry.

Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2004#06 razor 8 ['razor8extend', 'razor8notes2', 'razor8plan', 'razor8notes1']
    2004#08 248-2|248 part 2 ['2003-02-elev-all', '2003-02-02notes1', '2003-02-02extend', '2003-02-02notes2']
    2004#14 ['notes2', 'notes1']
Logbook trips on this date:
    Loser Plateau - Surface Prospect
    204 - Gaffered
    99 - 99
    204 - Razor Dance
    2003-02 - (Blaudrachenschact)