204 - Rhino Rift Fester

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place: 204

Fri 01 Aug 2003    Sat 02 Aug 2003

Becka Lawson Wed 30 Jul 2003 Sun 03 Aug 2003
Dave Loeffler Thu 31 Jul 2003 Sun 03 Aug 2003
Earl Merson Thu 31 Jul 2003 Sun 03 Aug 2003
Frank Tully Fri 01 Aug 2003 Sun 03 Aug 2003
Sat 02 Aug 2003
Becka Lawson

Me down 204E with Frank + showed him Treeumphant + Swings + Roundabouts on a quick tourist then Earl + Dave caught up with us at the Taking the Piss / Deviated pitches. To the chamber at the end of On a Mission + continued Mark + Earl's survey in What No Butcombe through various loops. [footnote: Notes for this are in file #24 but not yet drawn up as I am going home tomorrow and THE FUCKING BLOODY PRINTER ISN'T WORKING so I don't have a centreline - DL]. I showed Dave the way out whilst Frank + Earl finished surveying. We then derigged everything at the end + Frank headed out. Earl + I then went down Unconformity. Earl snooted at Julian + my rigging then put in one measly bolt with his drill to get across the traverse at the bottom of our last pitch. Pitch itself q. short, only ~10m, but this is only a ledge + the pitch continues. Over the traverse is another 20 or 30m horizontal with holes in the floor + possible QMs up. Needs surveying but we had to get out as our time was up.

T/U Dave ?6, Frank ?8, Becka + Earl 10.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2003#24 ['notes2', 'notes1', 'notes3', 'plan', 'elev']
    2003#28 ['notes2', 'notes1', 'notes3', 'wotnoconnectionplan', 'wotnoconnection_elevatio…
    2003#31 ['notes2', 'notes1', 'notes3', '2003-09plan']
Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - Rhino Rift Fester
    Cave 2003-09 - Exploring + Surveying Olly's Höhle (2003-09)