204 - 204E to Helter Skelter

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place: 204

Sat 19 Jul 2003    Sun 20 Jul 2003

Becka Lawson Sat 19 Jul 2003 Mon 21 Jul 2003
Martin Green Thu 10 Jul 2003 Mon 21 Jul 2003
Sun 20 Jul 2003
Becka Lawson

Walked up hill + Julian+Earl doing traverse at Gaffered to the Walls so thought we'd rig down Gaffered + be sociable. Obviously we didn't think too hard about it as when we got there they were lobbing endless rocks off their ledge. Rigging Gaffered not an option. Watched them a moment + adminred the long drop into space then retreated to QMs back nearer 204E. First went up Crowning Glory to end to QM 2001-10A. andclimb rope left from 2001 up then rigged down (like I did on yesterday's trip). Pit at bottom of this pitch blind. Walked up boulder slope on the other side of pitch + gardeded the next drop then Martin down on rest of rope from first pitch with a tackle sack rope protector. To left was rift with aven (went 3m). In LH wall, 2m up, small crawl (QM C). Straight on, rift continued down moderate pitch (QM B) + above passage continued (QM B) which could be reached by bolting up ~3m. Then went down Helter Skelter to far end. We moved boulders + stacked them up for some time until could finally get under the low wall at end. It went right, under another low squeeze, + then opened into a small pitch which Martin descended on naturals ~8m. 2m slot in floor. Pitch blind + drippy (got wet when we surveyed it the next day + it rained on the surface). Came back up Helter Skelter slowly looking at QMs. Martin found QM 2001-14B, a sandy crawl with a draft + pushed it into new stuff. Yahoo (embarrasing we didn't spot it in the original 2001 survey though). Looked at lots until time to go home. Met Earl + Julian back at the 204E rope + exited together. Good trip.

T/U 6 hours

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    2003#10 256|Nischehöhle ['notes2', 'notes1', '2003-02elev', '2003-02plan', '2003-01plan']
Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - 204E to Helter Skelter
    204 - 21 Bolt Salute traverse (Part 1)